Slow loading times

Since the recent update (8th April2020) The loading times have taken much longer than usual, this happens when Booting up the game and I get a black screen for a minute or two before the game starts. when you’re at your House in game and navigate through those menus it’s slow especially in the auction house.

Other slow loading times are in the menus when pressing the start button on your controller And flicking through the tabs and squares it seems to be a laggy response from your input.

Haven’t noticed any difference on PC.

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No issues with running FH4 post update on my PC either

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Hello.I have a problem with Forza Horizon 4. It seems that i have a very big delay(like 5-6 seconds).Firstly i thought that is because of my network connection,but after that i entered on a forza solo sesion and i have the same delay.This thing happens after i reinstalled my windows.I installed the latest drivers of the video card.Is there anything i could do or try?