For B Class cars, I’ve often noticed that adding Aero will knock the PI down 3-4 points. The biggest hit is usually speed, then accel. However, for a lot of tracks - top speed isn’t as important as accel, handling, braking, etc, thus the PI hit makes sense. However, on other tracks (such as Road America), Aero can hurt more than help. Thus, my question:
Has anyone noticed a difference between running No Aero vs. running Aero and zeroing out the tuning values? In my own tests, I’ve not seen a difference - it’s 3-4 free PI points to use elsewhere. Perhaps I’m still missing something, though. Am I?
I’m going to take that 99% and raise it. Aero adds grip (corner speed - exit speed) and returns PI which can be used to shed weight and/or add more HP. In FM5 it seems to have an almost negligible effect on acceleration and a couple of mph impact on top speed (even less if you set the sliders full left). Its really pretty benign. Even on a track like Road America it’s probably going to offer net benefit as long as you have the HP to hit a decent clip on the straights. You’ll be carrying more speed through the fast bends and exiting the carousel that little bit faster. And it improves braking.
Only the Forza Aero is adjustable. When you select the different aero types there will be a little message in the upper right corner of the box that says adjustable or non adjustable before you buy it. But for the record, it doesn’t matter which car you choose, only the Forza Aero is adjustable. The rest are simply for looks or a standard aero effect.
Actually there are a couple cars that come stock with rear spoilers that are adjustable. Not many but a couple.
But this is a good question! If you add the adjustable front and rear spoilers and turn them down all the way in tune setup, is that almost the same as not having them on all together? That would be free PI on power tracks. Ill have to try this later today if nobody has the answer already.
It really depends on the track and also the class you’re in. No aero can mean the difference between passing that car on the straight and only catching up to them
There aren’t any tracks in FM5 that what the op is asking would be beneficial, maybe Sebring. In Fm4 it would work on Sunset, Sebring, Sedona. Ideally if you were working on a no aero car and it handled pretty well, but just needed a bit more grip, aero with the downforce turned down to minimum worked.
In B-class, I think I would run without aero on Road America, indianapolis and sebring.
Its a question of choice, FM use an “imaginary” track to calculate de PI. It mean that if the PI is lower, its simply slower on that track. But you can use that to your advantage, usualy on smaller track.
No aero. If you think about the tracks in FM5, outside of LeMans there really isn’t enough straights on the tracks to take advantage of the extra speed no aero provides. Indy needs handling, especially since corner exit speed is key. Same with Rd America. Sebring would be the best bet to utilize what the op is asking. There are cars that run fine without aero but they are few and far between B class and up.
In B class and up you’ll want aero on a lot of cars. If you’re tuning for D or C then it depends on the tracks you plan on racing on. I’d skip aero on many C class cars and most D class.
It also depends a lot on what you’re doing. If you’re just hot lapping then aero may be more useful. If you’re playing in public hoppers and you’re a decent driver you’re going to want that performance at speed to get passes done. Midcorner speed isn’t all that useful when the guy in front of you is languishing on the apex.
If you want the best possible build and lap time yes. NA cars in those classes would fair better than in A or B class, but still wouldn’t reach there best potential. The advantage gained in corners far exceeds the advantage in a straight regardless of class. Further on a momentum track,like Alps you have to slow down a NA car too much. D and C are momentum class so logically you would be better of with aero.
In regards to what the Op is asking in class D and C less downforce may help in these classes.