This is for everyone complaining about how much they spent on XB1 and FM5 vs. the content they got for it- myself included.
I recently had some relatively minor work done to my car.
-re&re driver side front wheel hub
-wheel bearing
-re&re driver side tie rod end (outer)
-front wheel alignment
As you may have guessed, I nailed a kerb real good (dodging a child who ran into the road). Was lucky I didn’t damage the rim itself. Anyway, the bill for this little trip to the Car Doctor? What I paid for XB1 and Forza, ALMOST TO THE DOLLAR.
So yes, video games can be expensive. They got NOTHIN’ on real life though, remember that next time you wanna cuss about car tokens or MS/T10 being “evil”.
…and putting your car doctor trip into perspective, it’s far less than if you went out and bought a new car of that same model.
The ones I get less are the people that claim they’ve spent $1000, because they bought the wheel. Which while expensive, and can make the experience more enjoyable, is completely optional. The copy of FM5 is needed to play FM5, and the XB1 is needed to play FM5.
Although, let’s say you bought a 360 at launch, and then bought FM3 and then FM4. That’s $520. XB1 + FM5 is $560 for a fraction of the content.
you can mix the numbers any way you want.
The thing is, at this point Turn 10 isn’t going to throw in a bunch of extra content for free. They are right, compared to other launch racing titles, or even compared to FM2 we got more cars and tracks in FM5. The only reason we feel FM5 didn’t have enough content was comparing it to FM4. If this was Turn 10s first game, we’d be extremely impressed and satisfied with the number of tracks and cars. Excited for what Turn 10 would do in a follow up game. Considering how much of FM4 came from FM3 that makes FM4 a game four years in the making. 6 years in the making if stuff from FM2 made it into FM4 since it was all on the Xbox 360. Considering the quality Turn 10 was aiming for, there has no been nearly that much time put into accumulating content for Forza 5.
Spawn of Apathy, good post. I agree with your sentiments on “if this was Turn 10’s first game, we’d be loving it”. The problem is people have become accustomed to a high standard which, until now Turn 10 has been able to maintain and improve. The hiccup is that transitioning from Xbox 360 to Xbox One ate quite significantly into Turn 10’s resources, and so the standard couldn’t be maintained in all areas.
If Turn 10 had gone down the content route and left the graphics and physics the same as in FM4, I think there would have been a far bigger backlash. Everyone would be complaining that it’s just the same game. As it is most people agree that FM5 is a clear step up in certain areas over earlier iterations. It’s just the step doesn’t have as much room on it as hoped.
Going back to the OP. Completely agree. I’ve just bought my track tyres in preparation for the season kicking off again this year. £600. And that’s not taking into account petrol, insurance, other consumables such as brakes, other modifications such as suspension or the engine, or the original purchase of the car. My Xbox One Day One Edition and Forza 5 only cost me £390.
Of course, I don’t buy tokens and the only steering wheel I have is the one attached to my car…
Think you’ve missed the point. Doesn’t matter whether he is paying for parts or for someone to fit the parts. The reality is that fixing his real world car cost X amount, and X amount also happens to be what he paid for his Xbox One. Not everyone is a mechanic or mechanically minded/ capable.