900 degrees in-game steering movement and animation for FH5 and beyond

Forza should add 360 degree steering like grand turismo

The current animation of the steering wheel movement is very lacking with just 180 degrees turn to left and right which looks dead when driving in cockpit view.

This is especially noticeable when you’re drifting a vehicle or making tight turns.

We finally need to bring real-life 900 degree (or more depending on the car model) steering wheel movement and animation to make Forza Horizon 5 and the upcoming Motorsport very engaging and realistic.

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I’m sure thousands of players would support this suggestion.
I find it quite confusing when using driver camera view and trying to steer the car with a steering wheel that rotates more than 180°. That completely destroys the feeling.
The first time I played Forza 4, I was almost 100% sure, it was a software issue with my wheel, I even swapped out my 15 year old wheel for a new one. My disappointment knew no bounds, when I realized, that this is how Forza developers implemented it.
I was hoping it would be changed in FH 5… hmmm… well… it’s a total disappointment!
Colleagues… please implement it!


This is really annoying for me because I use a 900° sim wheel and having the wheel in the game not turn the same amount as the one I’m turning is really disappointing it is also just a really cool thing that should be added to at least some cars

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It’s so disappointing that a game this huge has this kind of basic animation done wrong.
I love driving with the cockpit view and this limited animation is annoying and some situations it’s confusing.
Love to see this made right.


This needs way more votes so that way it can actually happen


I’ve to admit that it ruins the immersion and I’d be happy if it would show the actual/full rotation.

That said they’re aware of the issue.

A point of confusion among wheel users is that the driver’s hand animations in cockpit view don’t turn the steering wheel more than 90 degrees in either direction. This does not represent the actual in-game steering wheel rotation, just as the graphical tire steering lock angle is not a 100% representation of the primary physics steering lock. This is one of the reasons a dashboard camera view has been added to game camera views.

Source: FH5: Wheel Setup and Tuning

IIRC they also mentioned the reason why it is like that somewhere but I couldn’t find a link. If I’m not mistaken it has something to do with keyboards and joypads and how they work. It would simply look ridiculous if you go full or lock to lock in a split second.


That doesn’t stop other games from doing it though, even non racing games like GTA or Battlefield. As a wheel user I would rather we get the option to remove the steering wheel entirely. I like the dash cam but the field of view is too narrow and in some cars the camera is so high you can’t see the top of the instrument cluster.

Please forza give us the 360° rotation angle!!!:pray:t3:

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As a steering wheel player who enjoys drifting, it would be great to finally have a full animation for the steering wheel, not just 90° to each side. I think in a triple A game, this really should be an auto-include feature. I was very surprised on launch that it’s still missing.

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This has been mentioned before. As a sim drifter I would love to see this, as would others. Sadly, PGG and T10 have more important things to fix. Doubt it will happen.

Welcome to the forums, btw.

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Do you have a thread link that perhaps has more votes for this feature to be added? I tried to look for one but maybe I just missed it.

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I don’t think so. It has just been scattered around in different threads and chats. It was good of you to make a topic. :+1:

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Even 360-450degrees would do


Increase steering animation to atleast 360 like it is implemented in FM2023.

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Yes, it’s seen better


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That’s asking for 900, let’s get 360 first which is available in FM2023. 900 or 1 to 1 may be too much to ask.

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I think that at least 540 degrees wheel rotation would be definitely an considerable upgrade on first person animations, also a lot of new games are getting this feature (even the crew motorfest has it lol)


It’s unfortunate that in 2024 a triple a game hasn’t fixed this type lazy work.
I love Forza but they are really behind the wheel animation and the entire car sound.
I really hope they fix that in the future. This game has so much potential with just small adjusts like the ones mentioned would already drastically improve the game experience and immersion.
Oh Forza gods pls fix that. We sim players will love and send some sacrifices in exchange.
No kidding guys, how could I spend money in a game to have new cars like the Santana, if I can put a suspension kit angle like a formula drift car, adjust the inside camera to see real 900 degrees of wheel rotation and hear realistic sounds… Why would I spend my hardworking money?