3x Tire Wear For Open Class Lobbies

Tire wear in Open Class Lobbies.

As you are aware the tire wear has been reduced down to 4x tire wear. A great step in the right direction for class racing. This change allowed everyone to run race tire builds/soft compounds in races.
The issue with this. rear wheel drive has the upper hand in terms of tire wear. As Front Wheel Drive and All Wheel Drive cars fall off. Sometimes 2 laps before the end of the race.
After some testing done is private lobbies 3x would be absolutely perfect for tire wear in the short open class lobbies. This extends the tires life through the entire race.

3x tire wear for open class lobbies.


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Yea once they fix tire wear in open class lobbies and allow us to join our friends in lobbies, I think more people might come back to the game…maybe.


3x tire wear would be perfect for short races. I’m a fwd merchant and it’s super frustrating having my tires die before everyone in rwd cars. Got my vote!

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