Your favorite racing series?

My racing club and I hold weekly racing series that usually span a month long with a total of 8 races. Next month I will be hosting my first ever series and am beyond excited about it. A lot of testing went into the cars I chose.

Cars in the series will be the Ford GT Le Mans, Nissan GT-R racecar, 1998 Porsche 911 GT-1, and the 2006 Aston Martin DBR9. All these cars are between 859 and 863 in PI range and will be driven with stock tuning/upgrading. There will be a total of 8 races that will last 30-35 minutes a piece.

My question is, does anyone here race with a club and do series races such as the one I have described? If so, what is your favorite series? What cars are used? Do you allow tuning/upgrading?

If it has four wheels and a petrol tank and does not run in a circle it will count as my favourite, perhaps some favouritism towards BTCC, V8 Supercars, GT, openwheels and some smaller ones Clio Cup and Mini’s. All run to a pre-set build/PI with own tuning allowed.

I co run PPS and on our website we host a lot of leagues etc too and it does help to try new cars but like rapide we do favour touring cars a lot but then we do love our modern GT and le manne cars too

My favorite has been GT Season 12 TORA a couple years back in Forza 5, I missed the last few races but it was great fun.

The Touring car championship they had in Forza 4 was awesome too, I remember over 30 cars being within a second or so of the pole time around Mugello short. Good times.

Hey thanks for the replies guys. My club just finished with a hatchback series similar to the one you describe from Tora but it was on a smaller scale with only 6 cars to choose from. I think the pre built series, where cars are taken and built to a specific Pi, then as the driver you do the tuning are my favorite. Curious though, have any of you three raced a series using the old Gran Prix cars from the 30s?