Xbox One Cloud Save Wont Download

Tip: Dont turn off or quit game when it saves.
and you should avoid syncing data in the future.

Hard to know who to follow. Read one thread that suggested wait no matter how long for the sync to finish… to now avoid syncing data.

Either way should be safe… and I’ve lost 20+ hours of progress with not much desire to start from the beginning again.

Likewise, only I have lost 78 hours. Wouldn’t be so bad if Turn 10 gifted some cars and cash but isn’t going to happen.

I dunno why turn10 is not taking this issue seriously. I really used to like Forza but now because of this Sync issue I don’t really want to go on Forza its kinda putting me off in a way.

Sorry to bring up an old thread but anyone still having this problem?

Havent been on FH2 In a few months. Started it up and goes straight to the first cutscene. It says i have the saved data in console and cloud but it doesnt even try to load or sync. I have more then 50+ hours in this game alone and its the best one (IMO) yet but if i cant retrieve my saved data in any way then this game has rendered useless. Cause no one wants to start from the beginning when you’ve already put so much time in the game.

[Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]