Why, turn 10? Why?

Check GT Planet. Ian Bell visits the forums now and then. PCARS 4 is in the planning/pilot phase though nothing has been officially announced. It may take probably a good 2 years or so before we have a finalised version, by my estimate.

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Just in time for next gen consoles! :joy:

Ian Bell isn’t working on PCARS 4… He’s working on GTRevival.

(1) GTRevival: What We Know So Far | OverTake (Formerly RaceDepartment)

Slightly Mad is all but disbanded. Ian’s new studio is now called Straight4 Studios.

I only hope the collaboration between Straight4 and Reiza shows in the new title. Bell can lead a team to make a very pretty title. Physics on the other hand, are decent but not amongst the first titles I think of when looking at game play.

They’ll need it. They’re using UE5’s graphics…

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Well that’s interesting and very ambitious - hopefully not too much that it never gets off the drawing board or gets launched unfinished and buggy.

Nice to see the Lister Storm. It was wearing Newcastle United colours when I went to Le Mans in 1996. The team had a distinct visual presence.

Its much better then it was at launch though.

The game itself seems interesting. Shame that it’s him who’s overseeing it.

i wonder if they just don’t know how to add a radar? maybe there’s something inherently flawed with the engine that prevents them from adding something that seems so simple.

I don’t think it’s the engine that’s flawed. They have mentioned it though so that usually means theyre working on it, but who knows when it might be released. No promises

I can’t imagine what’s holding them back then. For a feature that’s been request for years and multiple title installments. Where’s the logic? Proxy arrows are a terrible bandaid.

The arrows were added during fm6, at the time i believe that was acceptable. Since they don’t play racing games they have no idea about any advances made or new standards in the genre. They exist in a bubble which is why with every release they often use terms like “biggest” or “most advanced” forza ever.

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