Why are the rims so difficult to get right?

I’ve noticed over the past decade of playing Forza that Turn 10 has a hard time getting rims correct. Most notably on Italian cars (like Lamborghini). An example would be on the Lamborghini Murcielago SV; it has four front rims.

This image is from Forza 5. Notice how all the rims are the same. Now take a look at a wallpaper image of the SV:

Notice how the rear rims concave inward a little bit more than the fronts. This is a signature look of Lamborghini (and other super sports cars) and it blows my mind that Turn 10, as well as other developers, get this wrong. The most frustrating part of all this is once the mistake is made on Forza’s initial console generation debut, they just copy and paste the car model into the next games, mistakes and all. It is a tremendous bummer for someone like me who absolutely loves the Murcielago and it really takes me out of the immersion.

I have to wonder: if forum members spot these mistakes, why can’t Turn 10 fix them for the next game? Not enough time? Not enough resources/manpower? Not worth the effort? All of the above?


This has always been an issue with Forza. Typically if you fit wider upgraded rims the increase in with is always inwards with the position of the face of the wheel never changing. Essentially the physics can’t show offset. However credit where its due FM7 does have a number of rims with a deep dish . I find the improved choice one of the few advances in the game.

And then they immediately patched the best deep dish wheels and flattened them. T10 giveth, T10 taketh away.

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I’m not sure I understand. The rims are an aesthetic aspect to the car so it shouldn’t impact any of the physics, should it? Besides, Turn 10 got the rims on the Diablo SV and Ferrari F50 wrong in Forza 4, but corrected them in Forza 5. So it’s apparent that Turn 10 does have the ability to correct these mistakes.

I’m talking about the whole wheel. Within the game the plane the rim is on doesn’t change which it would if you fitted wider wheels/tyres in the real world. However the offset, the relation of the centre of the wheel to the inner or outer edge of the wheel rim seems to remain the same. The stock wheel may look dished but that can disappear when you upgrade, whereas in the real world upgraded wheels most likely would. If you want to know more remember the internet is your friend!

I’m still not sure we’re on the same page. This has nothing to do with wheels, the deepness of the dish or upgrades; it’s the developers getting the stock rims incorrect. Take a look at the Diablo SV and F50 from the last generation of Forza games:

From Forza Horizon

From Forza Motorsport 4

Notice how the Diablo SV and F50 incorrectly have four identical stock rims. Now look at these cars from Forza Horizon 2:

So Turn 10 is able to get the rear rims different from the front (and vice versa). It just blows my mind how they could of missed that on the Murcielago SV.

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I noticed this as well, I usually try to find the ‘deepest’ set of rims, and if what Techlology said is true and they flattened them, I am disappoint. I know there are 700+ cars but if they had them modeled correctly in the past, what gives here?