WheelSpins changed again?

So I only noticed this last night, but every time I get wheel spins now, I’m getting half-decent amounts, like 15,000 or higher.

When I say half-decent, I get thats still not good, but I don’t get 1,000…etc anymore…

and since last night, I’ve again been receiving 100,000, 200,000, and just about 15 minutes ago 300,000 and a yellow card with ferrari TDF

Has anyone noticed slightly less crappy prizes from their spins in last, say 48 hours?

Maybe they realized 1000CR spins was just insulting?

maybe - I just did four and didn’t even see an amount under 5k

edit - I did just see a 1k one but they do seem to be less common, I think you’re right

I haven’t hit a 1K yet.

I got three super sons last night and although I got 200,000 on one, I got 2,000 a horn and a dress on another. Something as a VIP I wait for all week and the prizes are absolute trash. Whoever this idea was needs to be sacked.


You got a dress??? Jealous

I ended up saving them since they were paying out peanuts last week. Spun them tonight, and still the odd green, but mostly Blue or better. Even a couple yellows. No cosmetic items, and not a single duplicate car.

Nope. Still received under 100K in credits from two super wheelspins.

Just under 750k in cash and 2 cars (Chevy Colorado truck and Ford SVT Cobra R)

I don’t really understand this, something I have never been concerned about with a Horizon game is having too little money! In just 27 hours I’ve brought in about 4Million and that’s just doing normal play. If you’re playing on the regular then I imagine your financial haul will be much better… what exactly do you need all this money for?

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If we use your progression rates, you’d need approx 134hrs of game play to buy one of the $20,000,000 cars at Auction House. Some weeks I’m lucky if I get to play 13-14 total hours, which equates to 2-3 months played to save for one car. I know this is an extreme example and rarely is there cause for buying a 20 mil car from the AH, but still I think it helps convey the grind-fest yet to come. If that income was from your first 27 hours of playing FH5, I will say this game starts out throwing money & gifts at you like crazy, but that won’t last. It’d be interesting to track your next 27 hrs of game play to compare the difference though.

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We don’t want to waste 10 minutes play to get 1K is the main issue. Your time has to be well spent in a computer game.

Starting point for SWS today was triple 1000.
Won 20k+5k+1k.
I’m giddy with excitement. Only 5 SP. did most of tree up to it.
Only 923 more spins like that to get a Dtype. Sweet.

I’m not sure what the problem is. 3 months from launch I have every car in the game and about 45 million credits. Apart from tunes for the weekly playlist I have nothing to spend my credits on. This is just from playing the game regularly. As I did in Horizon 4 I’ve used skill points to buy XP for every car I have and where it was worth it, wheelspins and triple wheelspins. The XP from car mastery helps you level up much quicker thereby getting a wheelspin.

Yup, sometimes the prize is rubbish other times it’s good.

That’s also another problem.

So you’re saying that you benefited from the original system that was in place for the first 3 months(Which gave out vastly superior prizes on SW’s), as many of us did, and now you don’t understand why newer players who CAN’T benefit the way we did, and who will have to play 14 times longer to obtain the same stuff, might be a little angry? Really?


No. He is saying that even now, levelling up is really easy and getting wheelspins is really easy as well. And i agree. I still dont understand whats all the fuss about.

I get that some people love to have everything asap without even reason, but again, why are they even playing videogames in first place? escapes me.

I think that’s what the devs are trying to avoid by doing this, they don’t want people to finish the game and stop playing as much.

Instead we stop playing because PG nerf prizes and don’t fix the games problems.


Still mostly at or below 5k since the last update. I just got the same garbage in fh4 though too.

I’ve got all the cars. I’m more concerned about noobs. I grind and cr aren’t bad. Flip a few cars and 125mm with nothing to spend it on.
A good tune is 60-100k, so the weeklies that require a specific class cost a lot to get points for a rare car, or spend 10-20mm.
If you don’t grind, money harder. High mileage players it’s not really an issue.
I tune and paint stuff, then sell reasonably. Enough stock untuned stuff sitting on AH. Occasionally a flipper buys and reprices a car. I buy back and sell again later so an end user gets it.
Taking benefits out of a game that already forces you to do distasteful stuff is insulting. Fix the game properly, then stop “exploits”.