Regular & Super Wheelspins Starting To TTP Even More Lately?

Wheelspins are often complained about and after getting low value cars and clothes, horns and emotes.

I stopped getting the latter a while back after winning all the clothes and horns and emotes.

However, the wheelspins are really starting to take the proverbial lately.

I got used to winning low end tat-cars spin after spin, but at least there was some good credits and cars to be had every now then.

Lately though, 1,000/5,000 is the common prize on the regular wheelspins, with the odd 10,000 - 20,000 thrown in every now an again.

What really gets on my nerves lately though is the so called “Super Wheelspins”.

Being so far into the game as I am,“Super” spins don’t come along that often like when first starting out.

But back then, there was FE cars, rare cars and even 250,000+ as prizes.

Lately though, I’ve had really rubbish low value credit wheels.

I spun two yesterday and got a total of 90,000 over six wheels

Just now 30,000, 10,000, 5,000

Hardly super!

Anyone else noticed a deterioration in the value of the wheel spins?

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I am pretty sure once you win something once it wont come up again.
If you already own all the clothes, dances and most cars I would assume all of those slots will be filled with low CR prizes.

Maybe the larger CR prizes are still there at the same % but appear to be less due to the increased small CR prizes.

It is not uncommon to spin up 2 clothing items and a common car or 3 common cars, but if you own them all it will most likely give you 3 small CR wins most times.

I have just started and most of my spins are healthy at this stage, but I own very little of anything, I also only keep the cars I like so the same Clios keep coming back to haunt me… Maybe I will keep one just so I can stop winning them.

I’ve noticed the same thing. My two free VIP “super” wheel spins gave me about 30K each plus some common clothing. It might just be because I get more of them, but the regular spins seem to get the higher credit payouts much more often than the super spins do anymore.

IMHO, the devs really should have put some higher minimum limits on what the super wheelspins can give with how rare they are later in the game and actually make them feel super compared to the regular spins which have regularly been awarding more than the supers.

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They definitely give duplicate cars. For clothing I can’t say for certain. Horns or emotes have not showed up more than once. Those already owned slots, except for cars, be replaced by low tier cash.

I ceased to expect of super wheel spin.
5000cr, 5000cr, 5000cr. Always.
I know that all of the slots in clothes and emotions are replaced by such a worthless cr, but now the super wheel spin does not have the value of FP or challenge that is necessary for acquisition.

Also, although this is a different dissatisfaction with the theme of this thread, the cars available from wheel spin are skewed.
This is not a scarce car like FX4, a car that can be purchased at the auto show.
Even among the same rarity, only some cars will appear many times. I’m tired of this.
I do not need more classic Fiat 124 spider, Honda CR-X, Renault Megane anymore.

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How about a 83 Golf GTI, AMX Javelin, that crappy green Clio, MX572 Land Rover and Ford Deluxe Coupe?

With the ones you mentioned and the ones above, they make up the majority of wins and go straight to the scrapyard.

I only remove from the garage after claiming the skill tree wheelspin of course so I can at least have another go at winning the same crappy car! LOL

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it’s so easy to get money in this game that it really does not even make any difference! I’ve got 20 million credits and about 200 cars I have not even tried out yet! You get credits faster then you can spend them.

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You’re correct that credits aren’t hard to come by, but that’s not the point of this wheelspin issue. The larger issue is that when cosmetic items are removed from the wheelspins, rather than that slot being removed it’s replaced with a nearly worthless low credit slot so the player is less likely to actually get a wheelspin-exclusive item, and at the same time wheelspins (especially super) are much less common than in the early game and so feel like they should be more valuable. This combination makes wheelspins effectively lose their value as the player progresses through the game.

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Duplicate cosmetic items seem to get replaced with low CR awards. So the further along I’ve gotten, the more like garbage FH3 Wheelspins they’ve become.

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My observation is that the average cash payout is broadly fixed as a long term average, say over 100 spins. At the beginning you gets lots of cosmetics so a small number of high value cash prizes.

When you have all the cosmetics, you get lots of small 1-50k prizes when means the big payouts become rare to maintain the average and keep the economy in check.

The last 100 I did gave 3.8m similar to earlier batches. I have all the wheelspin cars and I’m getting dupes but I still get the occasional legendary or Forza edition.

All this means the players whining about wheelspins are no worse off in reality.

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