I don’t know. Seems kinda funny that I gotta race for how long to obtain a wheelspin. Then from that wheelspin I sometimes get a thousand dollars. So I ask, is it worth it to put a t-shirt up for sale at over thirty-thousand? There are over six hundred cars that in all would cost -I dunno- two-hundred million?
Really? thirty-thousand for a t-shirt with wheelspins that grant one, two, three, four, five, ten, fifteen thousand dollars?
Sketchy. Poor planning.
Just felt the need to gripe.
This game gives out credits and wheelspins like candy if you play it for any decent length of time. I’ve been playing since launch, maybe a couple of hours a week tops, and I now have every single Autoshow car, every purchasable clothing item (all of which can also drop in wheelspins), and about 10 million credits left over. Just keep playing and I guarantee you’ll soon have more credits than you know what to do with.
The Wheelspins used to be better. And thus anyone who has been “playing since launch” will have had a better time of it. The clothing prices are certainly ridiculous, in any case.
If you’re referring to the wheelspins you unlock from car upgrade trees, that wasn’t something I ever tried to take advantage of, and I still feel like I’m swimming in them today. And there are other cases where the game has become more generous: for instance, at the start of the game the seasonal PR stunts used to only give you a wheelspin upon completion, but now they give you a Super Wheelspin like they did in FH4.
All Wheelspins. The CR rewards on them were higher overall at launch - I don’t remember when they put the lowball CR rewards in, but it was a disappointing change. And I don’t know about you, but I got a significant number of them just playing through the game and levelling up - not to mention from various specific rewards. One didn’t necessarily need to cheese the car perk 'Spins to get some millions. But I rarely see the 100k+ total rewards that I used to get fairly often on Supers, and my regular spins are now frequently under 10k. It certainly seems to me like players who weren’t here around launch are getting shafted.
Anyone who ‘started at launch’ was able to take advantage of everything that was originally in the game, this included exploits, and workarounds to make massive amounts of cash.
Without cheating, it wasn’t uncommon to see people with 200, 300, 500 million + CR, as it was made incredibly easy when the game was new.
After they nerfed everything, crushed the wheelspin payouts, and removed most of the super wheelspins and exploitale cars - the game likely became a massive grindfest for anyone new.
The problem, is when they nerfed the payouts…etc… they didn’t adjust pricing on clothing etc… so now yes, it likely takes ages to get enough to buy just 1-2 items, let alone buy out all clothing to remove those from spins.
I feel for the new players, they dont have anywhere close to the resources we had playing from launch.
They got nerfed. The devs follow the not so smart logic: grindier design, more gameplay/engagement hours for the shareholders. But it’ll just hurt them in the long run.
Just one completed Horizon Tour will give you more than 30k. If you’ve to resort to wheelspins for money you’re not really playing the game. FACT!
I don’t usually pay close enough attention to wheelspin rewards to notice if they were significantly nerfed, but I’ll take your word on that. Even so, there are plenty of other ways to earn quick credits in the game. As far as the clothing rewards in particular, I think if you buy them from the store, their spots on wheelspins are replaced by fairly low-credit rewards, so it would probably save you credits in the long run to not purchase them from the store and just randomly get them from wheelspins, right?
@DjAladdinUSA , they have nerfed the wheelspins and the car mastery trees so much and yet they pull this playlist crap to force us to engage in the game. They’ve taken the majority of the for out of the game. I’m mostly just bidding my time until the next nfs game hits the market. Then it’s a big discussion on whether to go xbox series x or ps5. But with the crap PGG is pulling with this game ps5 is gaining ground.
imho all what they care about is the number of downloads/number of players in the hall of fame
feels like all what matters to get the tripleA gaming awards is a very good trailer video and a huge number of players (in the hall of fame) - no matter how many ingametime the players had or what issues they had or if they came back to play the game again…
because the FH5 story is: oh look we have 20+million players in the hall of fame end of story
@CJoke23, where are you finding the numbers for the 20mil+ players in the hof? I’m just curious if that is real hof players or total players.
There are currently over 20+million unique GamerTags (GT) that have played Forza 5. Number is in the Hall of Fame.
But that is beside the point.
To answer those who may be curious:
- I have played all versions of Forza from Forza1 beginning to end of life for each.
- Forza Horizon 5 is a fantastic racer game that I have played from launch.
- I did have 1287 wheelspins, 843 SuperWS before the HotWheels update.
- I currently have 625 wheelspins and 600SuperWS to get all the cars.
- I BELIEVE there are certain aspects of wheelspins that are cooked-up.
- In the OP I was griping for any new players.
I mean, I love this game so much I started a new profile so I can play again. The new GT doesn’t even come close to the amount of credits, cars and wheelspins in the original GT. It’s like night and day. Now at 6million credits and like two hundred wheelspins and 60SuperWS.
There’s no way I’m buying a 30,000 t-shirt. I need the cars.
This is also worth mentioning: the fact the wheelspins got nerfed after some time shouldn’t be a surprise. A lot of publishers do that after the reviews for the game are in. You wouldn’t want to get negative press for being grindy so just “patch” that in some time after the reviews. Just don’t do it immediately so it isn’t too obvious.
Although the wheelspins got nerfed I always seem to hit 100000 and above, so they aren’t as nerfed as they appear to be.
What I think is that the wheelspins probably aren’t random afterall.
What I have observed in the wheelspins, especially the wheelspin immediately following winning an event. Watch the wheel before it starts to spin and see what is immediately below the marker on the wheel. That first prize panel just below the marker is most often the prize which ends up for me. Please watch and observe this and see if it happens for others.