I have a video which i will try to attach but ive just wasted 6mil on wheelspins and i only got one HE car. I was videoing it because i noticed ALOT which im hoping everyone else has noticed, the wheels spins will say “this spin you could win” and it will have a HE Car underneath, but its not in the spin at all, and i wanna say its pretty infuriating when HE cars ARENT EASY TO COME BY ANYMORE on wheelspins UNLESS its the damn polaris, mini cooper s, or MG metro. Ill try attach the video of the spin saying “you could win” with a HE car, and no HE car is in the list at all. Ive had this happen a hell of a lot. Im hoping im not the only one and turn10 will fix this!!

Gambling doesn’t pay! You’d have been better buying a HE car in the Auction House, it’s cheaper.


I’m as lucky as you it would seem
I’ve just accepted it and would NEVER buy spins and I get the cars I want from AH if I’ve not won them by some other means.

I would rather waste the 6mil on getting the cars I wanted instead of being frustrated on the wheel spins

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Agree with everyone else. Spending that much money on wheelspins is foolish. Save your money and go to the AH to get exactly what you want. I have every HE car in the game expect maybe one or two and I’ve never spent 6M in the auction house on any of them.


Only time I pay for wheel spin, is if I just did couple free spins and had great prizes, then I will pay to spin to see if luck continues.

Only time I pay for wheel spins is when I’m doing the free ones and accidentally hit “X” (that’s the button, right?) after the free ones run out… lol

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The average (based on my experience and, what I have red about other people’s spins) to get a HE car is about ~80 spins (at some point I started to mark down every spin I get and currently I have had one HE car for every 64 spins, that is 3 HE cars out of 192 spins).

NEVER buy wheelspins unless you’re feeling lucky and have some money to waste.


People dont understand how computers handle random events.

One possibilty is that when you request a wheelspin a random number generator generates a number, that number is compared to a table of prizes which includes the HE car. At this point the prize is known.

The game then renders a video of prizes spinning past and landing on the previously determined prize.


There’s nothing to fix
They arent broken
Random is random
There is no guarantee to win a HE car

As per what others have said
In approx 500 spins ive won 4 or 5 HE cars
Not the good ones either

It’s better odds than playing the lottery though
In 27 years have never won the big prize
Do you think i should have


Perseverance with the wheelspins you win or luck on the AH is the way forward.

I did a Youtube video where i did 12 million credits worth of wheelspins. I noticed that the wheel-spins will always stop 1 slot before the HE car. This happened to me 10 times.

Apple rigged the random function on their music app for similar reasons: when it used to be almost truly random, people complained that songs repeated too soon! So they rigged it to make it not that random :smiley:
As long as FH3 spins are close to being truly random, people will complain. To satisfy players, developers would need to rig it like Apple did >:D

I just did 10 wheelspins and got a grand total of 180,000 so I can hardly imagine wasting money buying them. Out of the hundreds of spins I’ve had so far, I only got about 4 HE cars (and that was way back when I first bought the game) and almost every spin has been 2000-10000 dollars. Wheelspins are pretty much useless and more of an annoyance (when they pop up automatically) than anything else.

Whoa, slow yer roll chief!

The “pay to get a wheelspin” has got to be one of the worst ideas in the game. Sure, you could try your luck over and over again, but you’re essentially losing out your winning at a far greater ratio than making that money back or getting HE cars.

Just play the game online and offline - do all the stuff that’s on offer. You’ll get plenty of XP and wheelspins.

When they were 50K and with the VIP you could just about break even especially selling back duplicate cars…

IIRC I have only had to buy 2 or 3 of the HE Cars on the AH … I got the rest on spins or as prizes…