WHEELSPACER And Convertable options

The Agera has no Wheelspacer options and you cant remove the Roof in freeroam ?

Why is that ? Been too lazy to add these features to the car ?
Come on…

You told us in back in fh4 that youll add wheelspacer options to more cars in future updates… didnt happen…

Same with the convertable option in fh5… you havent added the option to one convertible or targa car since the bronco serveral updates ago…

Dont make your fans promises you cant keep…

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They’re called engine spacers according to WRX STi, GT-R, F150 Raptor and GT500 owner and car expert AR12.

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Ouch xD

Lol, this had me laughing.

It depends on where you are from, I guess. If the object is placed between the wheel and the hub, it’s a wheel spacer as it allows for different back spaced wheels to be used on a car that otherwise wouldn’t/couldn’t use said wheels. The only time I have ever heard anything even remotely close to “engine spacer” is when modified or custom engine mounts allow for an alternate placement of the engine within the engine bay. Bell housing spacers do the same thing for the transmission.

Why would you call something an “engine spacer” if it has nothing to do with placement of the engine?

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I watch AR12 whenever I’m in the mood for non-stop cringe.


Just for clarity, the term is “Off-Set” in wheels parlance. You use spacers to run higher off-set (wider) wheels.

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Wider track from spacers.
I know you get it but others may not.

Offset at zero is middle of wheel/bolt face is dead center of wheel.
Moving bolt face toward inside of wheel is called positive offset, so rim looks deeper.
Moving bolt face toward outside of wheel is called negative offset, so rim looks less deep.

Lol. Engine spacers move engines. :man_facepalming:t2::person_shrugging:t2:


@NeubaumTurk_HK @SoKXB @Sfumato720

You’re all right. Back space is negative off set.

AR12 engine spacers? :thinking: move engines, then you’ll need transmission spacers.