Wheelies (Patched?)

I saw a video a while back with a 1963 VW Beetle doing wheelies like a champ. I wanted to learn how to make wheelie cars so I started by making that one with the EXACT same tune. Nothing was different from the parts down the everything in the tuning category. But I only could get the front wheels to lift a few inches off the ground every time I shifted. So as you can imagine that’s not what I’m looking for in a wheelie car so do any of you know if Turn 10 patched wheelies?

wheelies are not patched , just need to tweak your suspension settings and make sure you have drag tires on i can still pull the wheels through 1,2,3rd in my bug using the 5.7L maxed out

Is there anything special i need to do off the line or does it just happen when I drop the clutch at high rpms? Do I need traction control off too?

if you are on the drag strip you need tcs off or it will kick in and bog the motor down easy way to set up a launch wheelie car like the bug is everything in the front soft and everything in the rear stiff , tire pressure 55 front 30-35 rear , ride height all the way up front and rear (more suspension travel) do a full gas launch set 1st gear towards acceleration so the motor launches at a higher rpm this will 95% of the time result in a decent wheelie although sometimes its not controllable which way the car goes when its on its bumper