What is the long game for credits in this live service?

There’s no shop to buy anything, no AH, parts aren’t used for cred, cars are cheaper now with many sales. So… for money and the long term live service what in the heck is it for? I was shocked that you can’t buy suits, flags, titles, nothing. You could buy a bunch of stuff in 7, even a shop a few years in. Am I missing something? I hope i am!

Yup. We got straight up hosed on premium edition.


Anyone know how much the whole autoshop costs?

Yeah I was wondering what the deal is/will be with driving suits.

Really hope there’s some more options coming.

To buy every car will cost you around 85 million credits.

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After beating the “campaign”
85M actually seems pretty reasonable for having all the cars spread out. Giving around 30-50K per race. The individual car prices are a bit silly on their own. But in the context of the game, putting them at lower barrier to entry is sort of Forzas MO. Would be neat to see some extra valuable ones though, maybe a dozen or so 1m or 1.5m cars by end of life.
I do think as it is, The car buying economy is pretty good. If they integrate upgrades back into credits its going to change the story. But right now its better than any of the others that basically havent had an economy to speak of. Still a shame that we not only dont have anything like the old FM4 storefronts. But now we dont even have an AH.

i don’t think people have realized you can’t beat campaign, they will constantly add new tours as time goes on. i don’t know what the endgame for credits is, but i am currently at close to 3 million and i only buy a new car when max a previous one to 50. so at the rate im going ill have all the cars in 3 years and at level 50 and have 3 billion creds left over lol