What is happening with TURN10 ?

I have followed and played Forza from the off and think 5 is great game but am i the only one who is SOOOO BORED of it ???

I need some new tracks it’s ridiculous ! I’ve completed career and am bored with that ! Online is just a crash fest unless you can get in a lobby with some like minded racers which i do occasionally but the fact there are not many lobbies where you can turn collisions off is a joke !!!

Guess this all comes down to one thing ……. the announcement that project cars that i was sooo looking forward to has now been officially delayed gutted !

But Turn10 aint helping much !!!

I f they don’t do something to stop the boredom then what other real track racers do we have to look forward to ???

Horizons looks ok just not really my bag i prefer track based racing :frowning:

Any ideas ?


I think Turn 10 will strike back in 2015 with their next Motorsport. (if it comes, but seen the succes it would be smart to continue on that succes.) They chose to improve every asset of the game both visually and physically. A lot, but i mean a lot of the assets you see in the game have been build up from scratch. So when they chose to throw the old (some look like updated assets from 2005/2007.) assets away, rewrite code, redo cars and laser scan tracks it’s obvious that there is less content in the game. Sure they could have grabbed all content from Forza 4 and thrown it in 5 but then you would not improve. So now that they have build this new base with the new engine they can now build upon that with Forza Motorsport 6. Add tracks and cars and features.

I hope this is very true when FM6 is released. Honestly I hope it has the same feeling when FM3 was released…it was like a walk in wonderland at that time with all the options. I was impressed with what T10 did with FM5 especially going from “scratch” but as stated on another thread, it still feels like T10 turned from FM5 rather quickly. I’ll keep playing faithfully but man I have huge hopes for FM6.

This right here is my main bugbear about another franchise, and why I no longer play it. But as far as FM5 goes, I do really enjoy the game; but I enjoyed it a lot more when I had a working tx wheel.

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there are some old pc games that are still pretty good. try gtr2. it should be dirt cheap and its more in depth than forza. its like $8 on steam but get it on disk. steam doesn’t have porche or ferrari. it has tons of cars and tracks you can download and instal free. if its wet you better hit the pits and put on rain tires. they release a new forza every 2 years, it is not like the granturismo release schedule. they are working on fm6.

Why not try and increase your leaderboard times? Challenge yourself to make top 1% on all tracks or something.

Well I’ve had it since day one and still love it , I keep winning races and buying / tuning cars, I still don’t own all the cars ( my goal ) but at the moment FH2 is my weapon of choice

Forza 5 is the most beautiful racing game so far. Undeniably! The cars and the tracks are gorgeous. Physics is prepared in detail. But… Gameplay is meagre. Laptimes, paint, take a photo and that’s it… I see much not so beautiful games but still great and playable. The Game must have in itself more than rolling wheels, there must roll something more.

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Same thread, different title.

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Project Cars delayed until March 17, 2015 in North America. So more time with FM5 until then.

There is a much better racing game you can buy right now. It’s called Forza Motorsport 4. Graphics not as crisp but overall, much better game.


Well said!
I’m going to use my copy of F5 as a Frisbee, it’s more fun!
I really hope T10 gets it together soon I miss tuning cars, and not running out of space.
I’m beating a dead horse.
and it’s not moving
it’s …getting old

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Buy Horizon 2…amazing game and will get you away from being bored of Forza 5. Trust me i’ve not looked back since :slight_smile:

Motorsport? Not really in order to compete with project car’s T10 needs to revaluate there definition of "motorsport " because forza is becoming more and more a track day game.

Motorsport is all about the points, it’s the championships leaderboards, it’s getting a good qualifying time, it’s making those tyres last until the end of that 12th lap or whatever lap race it is your doing, it about a weekend of strategy.

On longer races it’s all ofthe the above and more, making that tyre choice count, timing your pit stop, forza has none of this, project car’s and " real motorsport does.


Waste of money in my view, can’t even play online.

I was a bit late to the party, the first one I got was FM5 and all I’ve heard is how good 4 was in comparison.
The community side of the game has clearly been sabotaged in order for turn 10 to try and make a quick buck but I feel they’ve killed the main element of the game.
I hope they realise this and try and restore the community feel in 6 but the almighty dollar rules no doubt.


It’s funny. I had something happen to me the other day that reminds me of what Turn 10 did with Forza 5.

I upgraded my cable DVR and service. I’m all excited because I think I’m getting all this new tech with enhanced features and abilities. The first night that I’m watching TV I noticed that the on screen guide was laggy. When I try to scroll up or down it would just hang and eventually jump 2 or 3 channels down. My old box never did that. Then I used the rewind to watch something again and went to use slow motion and it wasn’t there! What?? What the heck!? Slow motion is gone. So, ok, that sucks. I go to hit the button to go back to ‘live’ TV and guess what… That button is no longer there either! You must be kidding me… I then decided to play some Forza. The input button is gone from the remote! This is ridiculous. I call customer service and tell the girl all of this. She proceeds to tell me that some of the features that my old DVR had weren’t working correctly yet, but those features should be coming back in the future.

Turn 10 did the same thing with Forza 5. They released a new version without all of the features of the old and the excuse is, “It’s a whole new platform… The game had to rebuilt from the ground up.” Got it. But here’s a little advice… Do not release a new version of any product unless it contains all of the features of the old PLUS the new. “We couldn’t get it to work” or “We didn’t have time to include all the features” is an inane excuse. If you didn’t have time or couldn’t get everything to work then the product is not ready for release. Simple. What happens is, you sour your customer base. It’s bad business and leads to the assumption that you have a short sighted money focus. ‘Get it out, release it, sell, sell, sell!’ But, you’ll pay for it in the long run…

A new version should NEVER contain less than the old. And in the case of Forza 5, it is MUCH less than Forza 4 when you consider features, options and content. So what should we expect for Forza 6?


Or if released this way sell it as Forza Motorsport 5 prologue for 2/3 of the price.
Why do we have to pay full-price for half a game? Because Turn 10 (aka Microsoft) wants to release a new game every other year, finished or not?
Do we have to buy it now for full price so the next in the series maybe will have more features?
I for sure am not going to pre-order any games with the title Forza anymore, I’m not going to make that mistake twice…



They will have to blow my mind in order to get me to preorder. I’ve already changed my buying habits by only picking up 2 car packs (I refuse to buy the rest) and avoiding Horizon 2 after the demo convinced me there was almost no difference from the first version and appeared below average at best.

Even if they add weather at 60fps I wouldn’t care. Never realized how the game functioned mattered all that much until it was removed for the most part. The cars, graphics, and tracks, I’ve learned mean little to me and guess to many others based on the exodus.

I can safely say now that I’m an informed consumer in regards to T10 products and at the moment the brand isn’t something I trust and will be like other titles where i’ll wait until the gamer reviews come in. They are no longer producers of must buy games in my eyes. I’ll be paying attention a lot more this go around on what is or isn’t in the game.


Kinda agree with both of you. There’s an abyss between Forza 4 and Forza 5 and It’s not just about the old broken record “More cars…more tracks…”
I’m curious to see where they’re heading with Forza 6 (I’m still trying to understand what they want Forza to be, honestly) and if they’ll be able to impress us enough to say “That’s one racing game I must have”