What are the devs priorities?

I really don’t understand what the devs are focusing on at the moment, but it sure is taking a long time to fix all these issues that have been known about for weeks.

Though it took them a couple days to fix the Goliath exploit, it takes them weeks to fix minor issues that have been in the game since launch.

“Another complaint thread, here we go.” I know the devs don’t actually come on here to look at anything, that’s what the community managers are for.

Can you guys please hurry it up with the fixing? You got a long list of annoying issues that have been causing everyone to quit playing multiplayer.

Add option for Solo Adventure
Fix the time it takes for everyone to load into the online adventure events
Fix “Streamer Mode” always turning itself off after restarting the game.
Fix settings being reset after every update or at random.
Fix the reset bug that stops players from reseting their car, guaranteeing a DNF and a loss for the team.
Fix queue time for ranked adventure
Add more friction to walls to stop players from using them as launch pads.
Ghost players that come in contact with a static object (dead stop) or a sudden significant spike of Gs when coming in contact with another player.
Do not remove points from the MVP of a team in ranked adventure if their team loses.

I guess if it doesn’t “break” your game, it’s not a major concern right? You fake in-game economy is more important than the integrity of the game?

I love this game, I really do. I just feel it will be infinitely better if all these things were fixed. It will deserve that 10/10 rating.


I simply cannot connect to Forza Life no matter what. Did about a dozen tech support page solutions to no avail, and several big internet service providers have this issue spread out in the EU, when for some reason the only thing that doesn’t works is connecting to Forza Horizon 4 servers. Main IPSs and smaller more localized ones that belong under their umbrella.

Just in Hungary there are hundreds if not thousands of us effected, and the problem isn’t even acknowledged by Forza Devs, as I know for a fact that some of these ISPs tried to reach out to their tech support (even publicly so on twitter) but whenever I ask if that was successful and if there is some ongoing work about it, the answer is always no. Similarly my support ticket is open and unanswered here for 2 weeks now.

I’d like them to focus on this.

There was a Forza stream yesterday with information on the next major content update and the big feature was Service Check. There wasn’t a lot of information on it, but it sounds like a new system to make it easier for the community to suggest features and feedback to be incorporated into the game. Hopefully there will be some additional transparency on what features they’re working on. The first Service Check feature sounds like it will be additional painting options.

In response to the OP, we don’t really know what the dev’s priorities are since that information isn’t public, but we can make an educated guess. Like you pointed out, fixing major exploits are highest priority and beyond that I would assume they have a triage system like most software devs where they prioritize things based ease of implementation vs severity (if it’s a bug) or estimated value-added to the game (if it’s a feature).

I’ve all but given up on having any hope that this team knows how to handle their community or how to fix issues. This game still feels like a beta, and I fear it will for a very long time.

There is zero feedback from their team that they acknowledge how messed up this game is, there is zero feedback on what they are working on on, and zero feedback on their timeline of making this game work. It’s horrible management from everyone involved. I almost get a sense that the mods on these forums are about fed up with them too because it seems like they are giving more leeway for complaint threads and stuff.

At this point, I’m thankful that Rockstar knows how to make a good game (RDR2) and I’m feeling like I wasted $100 on an incomplete game (FH4).

My game works just fine. Only actual problem I have is freeze frame for a few seconds after starting up and going into game play, but I have that for other games as well.

Obviously the devs check these forums. They reply to actual problem threads, not annoyance threads like these.


They don’t and that’s the problem. Mods respond, the new liaison responds but devs never respond. Alan Hartman did but that was only because people were getting refunds for FM7 after finding out the VIP 2x bonus was just 5 cards instead of permanent and he was in damage control.

Some devs do respond to threads not only in the Technical Support sections … but in other forum sections as well. So it’s not fair to them to imply that none of them ever do.

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Developers of the game do not reply or read, only community moderators, the same couple of people. There would be too much information for them to go through when they need to focus on working on the game. That’s why community moderators exist, to relay what the community says to the developers.

Devs DO read the forums. I know that in the past it was actually a requirement for them to read the forums and look for issues in the area they work on. I don’t know if it is the case now.

People are expecting “active listening”. But the devs job is to know what needs to be fixed and fix it. For that they only need to listen, not speak.

Gamers have a habit, me included. of putting themselves on a pedestal and expecting their own issues to be responded to personally.

Now please do not get me wrong. This game has lots of things that need fixing and even more things that “it would be nice if the game worked how I, I, I, I would like”. But to expect the actual DEVS to tell us what they are doing about it is not how it works.

Devs do read these forums but we would be wrong to expect the actual devs to always be replying to us. For one the actual devs may not be the ones making decisions what gets fixed and in what order.

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Some of them 100% absolutely do read and respond to threads and posts here. I have been in multiple conversations here on the forums with some of the devs. Pull up some of the devs’ profiles here on the forums and check their posting histories with links to hundreds and hundreds of posts they’ve made in various threads all across the forums.

Probably best not to speak so authoritatively when you don’t know exactly what you’re talking about. Just sayin’ …


I feel like you’re confusing mods with devs…

If I am mistaken, please do us a favor and link us to their account info so we can see

No, I am not mistaking mods for devs. I know who these people are and what they do. I have developed acquaintances with some of them through the Forza community and speak with some of them frequently. I also know that some of them like to remain anonymous in some ways, so I am not going to break that ‘trust’, if you will, by linking to their profiles. Some of them may come straight out and identify themselves as devs here on the forums but some may not.

But one thing that I do know 100% for sure is that deep down many of them are just like us. They are car enthusiasts and avid gamers. They play the games they develop. They like to discuss them and talk about them even outside of their roles as developers. You may have been in multiplayer races with devs without knowing it. You may have discussed the games here on the forums, or on Reddit, or on Twitter or whatever with a dev without knowing it.

So to say definitively that devs ‘never come here’ or ‘never read threads’ or ‘never respond on the forums’ … simply is not true.

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You literally just said “go look up their profiles and see their posts” and now you’re saying nah, can’t do that.

Look, it does us absolutely no good to have a dev post anonymously. What will that accomplish, nothing. I’m not looking for “oh look cool, a dev posted about how he’s having fun on a game they made”. We’re asking for “hey guys, developer here. We know we messed this game up in a big way. We know y’all ain’t happy. We know your complaints and we hear them. Here’s what we are working on (example 1, 2, 3 …999) and here’s when you can expect major updates to fix (example 1,2,3…999)”.

Also, idk how any dev can play this game as a car enthusiast and not think to themselves “wow, we messed this one up” and not want to immediately go back to work on fixing it…

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Fair enough. Those posts could easily be considered contradictory. I actually considered linking to one of their profiles, but then remembered that some may prefer to remain anonymous so decided not to link it without knowing this dev’s thoughts about that. So sorry for that.

But my point remains. Some of them do read and respond here. Eduardo makes some good points as well. Maybe it would benefit to look at things from a larger perspective. Horizon 4 is the principal product of a Microsoft-owned studio that is marketed and sold globally. There are layers upon layers upon layers of research, brainstorming, developing, testing, targets, deadlines, budgets, resource allocations, decisions, project goals, etc. that the devs are subject to when developing and supporting a game … most of which are completely out of their control. They get thousands of complaints, requests, questions and suggestions daily from their millions of customers all over the world. To expect them to be here daily and to say ‘Hey, BOOSTED wants feature X added and feature Y fixed. Let’s make sure we go to the forums and answer all of his posts with daily updates about work on those features’ is just not reasonable or realistic.

[No offense intended by naming you specifically BOOSTED … was just trying to provide an example.]

Now, I do think that improvements could be made in levels of communication to and interaction with the Forza community. But, on the other hand, much of the information you’re asking for is already being provided in terms of the weekly streams, monthly streams (like yesterday’s Forza Monthly), news articles, release notes, official tweets, etc.

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No he literally did not say that.

He is saying go find their profiles yourself.

But to save you all the time. They have responded but not as much as the gamers would like and therefore you will be disappointed if you find the stats.

I think it is wrong to expect the actual DEVS to be on these forums responding. That is not their role. But they will be here reading, looking for new issues in their area of responsibility.


Right, he did say that. How is one supposed to look up their profiles without knowing their names on these forums…?

When I say devs, I’m speaking generally about anyone at playground games who has any input on creating this game from coders to story developers to sound technicians. It is not a big expectation to have somebody from playground games respond to all the criticism they have been receiving and acknowledge that the game needs a lot of help, and to outline how they plan to do it. When a game has this level of complaints, I believe that is easily warranted.

That is why they have liasons. The actual devs are mainly at their desks dealing with the issues.

I do not want the sound technicians on here replying to our posts. I want them fixing the sounds.

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I’m not asking for this to be their every day job. My point is this: how many complaints are there about the exhaust sounds in this game, how many complaints about online? I understand that there are mods here relaying these complaints. But have we ever gotten any feedback from people who work at playground games, who are in charge of developing this game saying that they hear these complaints and they are being worked on? That would be nice to hear from someone at playground games (not a ‘liason’). I would never ask for devs to reply daily to complaints, not at all. But a simple stickies post saying they are aware of these issues and that they are being worked on would I think go along way for a lot of this community who feels they aren’t being heard by the people who need to hear them.

You are aware that the ‘community liaisons’ (NitroGlitter, RetroKrystal, etc.) are actually bona fide Turn 10 and Playground employees … working in the actual studio offices at desks right next to the devs … whose primary responsibility is to speak to the community on behalf of the devs and vice versa? Right?

These are the people that you don’t want to hear from in terms of your issues being handled?

Do you understand what a liaison does? They do exactly what you want a PG employee to do. The guys writing the code don’t get paid to deal with forum complaints. The liaison does. Did you notice they patched some of the exhaust samples in the last update? That means they heard the complaints and responded with a fix. Will there be more fixing? Probably. Gotta be patient. I would be willing to bet the online issues are pretty high on the priority list. If you watch the weekly show and read the news updates you’ll see what they’re planning on doing and a ballpark time frame. Sometimes you have to make the effort to find this info instead of waiting for someone to spoonfeed it to you.