Bugs, issues and ideas

So… I’ve been racing the game since it came out. The game it’s self is quite great. The graphics are good, physics and racing are all impressive. That being said. Since the beginning and the update, there are a number of issues that need addressing in my eyes and many others, will be the undoing of possibly one of the best driving games ever. Here comes the list…

Gameplay issues.
This is way too limited. What I mean by this is, the lack of variety. 3 classes is not enough. I personally don’t like S2. That being said, I will race it if it’s in the cycle. But 4 or 5 S2 on the bounce is too much. Bring back a voting system. Taking out something that wasn’t an issue before seems counter productive.
Wall riders.
I never noticed this in other forza games. But it’s prolific in horizon 4. Simple fix is slightly move the check points. Might seem laborious, it will work though.
Ranked adventure.
How hard and long is bit to get 6 people in a race together. Maybe a mixed or 6v6 option? Also club races 6v6. I thought this would of been a dead cert.
Team/ranked adventure.
Not everyone wants to play teams. 4 ranked adventures, race my ass off. Win games. Lose because my team are not great. Makes the whole thing seem pointless. I personally only play online. Losing even though I win seems counter productive in both ranked and quick adventure.

The big bug.
Car reset. [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]. Not only that, I can drive through a lake on free roam rush at 200mph. With updates, bugs arise. But not a dressing this for over a week is bad. Play ranked, but a tree root, flip over and race done. Rewind is all well and good. But I shouldn’t have to.

Cross platform.
The ability to jump 10k on the windmill jump. Really?! These people should be banned and rank removed. Or at least let Xbox players filter out pc players like horizon 3. Let’s face it. Pc brings in cheats. Deal with them please or let us filter them out. If not, leaderboards are worth nothing.

This being said, the game is a good game. Just some food for thought. I know I’m not the only one who is thinking these things.