What a sad state of affairs 10 months later

I want to bring everyone’s attention to the above thread.

I created this thread to highlight an issue with one of the FXX-K variant’s wiper blades not working properly.

I created another thread to explain clearly issues with the active aero. Both were closed off with the above response - please see in the link.

I know for sure now there is no hope for this game. The responses of the mods reflects the company’s culture. They are not interested in improving this game. They are only interested in milking this franchise for a bit longer and emptying our wallets.

One good read at that response tells you they are not interested in addressing bugs which shouldn’t even be there. They have not taken any accountability or responsibility for giving us a half ars** product and making nothing but empty promises and delivering flatout lies in the pre release marketing videos.

I have supported their product since FM 2 but unfortunately have reached an all time low.

They are like politicians who greet you with a fake smile but ultimately nothing improves and you’re back to square one.

Thanks T10, you really do not care about your player base. I don’t think it will ever be enough for companies associated with Microsoft - they just want more and the quality simply isn’t there.

I was hoping they’d learn from their Japanese and Euro game developing counterparts but no… Arrogance, greed, and indifference will probably get in the way.

Time for a PS5 then.


That’s not the first time


ACC is $12 on the Xbox store. Base game, but still better than this.


Basic response, please do our job for us first so we don’t have to because really we don’t…

Well… if I finish this honestly it’ll just get deleted.

But yes @Speedster996 you’re absolutely right. Part of the big reason why I spoke with my wallet and canceled my gamepass.


Matrix 1999 is still better than 99% of modern movies, but they still charge ppl for modern movies.

It is the way it is. It is very sad.

Edit: I will watch the full trilogy now in untouched 4K. It has such godlike sound it’s unbelievable.

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Here’s the second post.

What they are asking for is absolutely infuriating. I feel downright angry and letdown as a customer.

That’s a brilliant game but I’m not into GT cars. I already have AC Ultimate Edition and love it to death. It’s just an incredible product and puts FM to shame.

I never should have pre-ordered the premium edition but it excitedly took a chance on it anyway and what a big balloon of disappointment… Got whacked over the head with it… All the lies popped right out one by one once that balloon popped, lol

Never again am I throwing $100 away on a game especially if it’s from this studio. Should have just tired it on Gamepass and be done with it. Now any attempt to “get more from my investment” is met with an abrupt “stop sign” by the forum management, basically telling me to go take a lap.


Your input is always welcome John but this is not the time for jokes.

You shouldn’t be so serious man.

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I bought the $100 edition as well, last time ever.


Well, lesson learned then. Money doesn’t come by easily so next time I’ll err on the side of caution before preording anything.

Game quality and QA has gone down the pooper since COVID. Developers with less than half the team strength are doing a much, much better job.

The larger they are, the more they disappoint. This is going to eventually come back to them, only a matter of time. GT went down the gutter hard too after sounds got really poor for example but they redeemed themselves. I don’t think T10 ever can though. It’s the attitude.

Hey. I know you’re trying to keep the mood light mate but wouldn’t you be furious to see that response after taking the trouble to clearly describe nagging issues which have been there since launch and ARE impacting gameplay ?

They get to decide what’s important as a bug or not. ALL bugs are important and should be resolved.

Biting off more than they can chew should be a phrase in the Oxford Dictionary with T10’s name right next to it.


I know the game is in a terrible state. We can only hope they fix one thing at a time. I mean what else should we do?

I moved around furniture and replaced some so my sound sounds much better than before, that is one of the reasons I watch stuff again.

It’s awesome how good it sounds now. Imagine a Mustang car finally goes free with it’s horsepower. That is what my sound system is like atm.

There is not enough stuff in the room to block reverb. It’s fantastic there is still enough space in the room so the sound can do what it should be.

The room is so empty there still is reverb, it’s fantastic.

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I still need to put pics on the wall and stuff but otherwise it’s good.

Teufel Ultima 40 two of them in the picture and Teufel Ultima 20/40 center and 2 Yamaha subwoofers. And my LG OLED B9 55 inch.

And oldrig is in the pic.


Are you going to watch the absolute parody of those movies afterwards?

FM23 is the parody of which Forza title? :laughing:

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It’s hardly a parody of FM1(2005) I say hardly because at least FM1 worked without bugs.


You know any better movies?

I seriously want to know.

Tell me one better movie.

I think that’s a lesson most gamers have started to learn in recent years, more so since the pandemic I guess. That said I’d bet my house that GTA 6 breaks all pre- order sales

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Not the matrix revelations haha.

Unless you love meta commentary and lame action sequences.

But if you want real movie recommendations i could give many

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I’m also losing patience and will probably move on to ACC or AC Evo when it comes out.

The AI feels worse than ever before, the penalty system is a complete joke, the freezing and crashing when loading…Iack of meaningful updates, it’s all barebones. One year since launch and we don’t have a ranked system or leagues that would make MP so much more fun.


@JetPartySalad you closed his threads and made him start again? Why couldn’t you as a paid employee separate them as individual threads? I’m at the point where I think the level of disrespect in Turn 10 knowingly bringing out a product not as advertised, which today is still nowhere near the level of quality of screenshots used in official media, RTGI, car fidelity, is just never going to be turned around by their ongoing conduct, and we as customers genuinely feel like we’ve become unpaid beta testers.