Guess I’ll wait another month. Bleh. This stinks.
Seems that the speaker setup bug has been fixed tho so that’s a step in the right direction.
Guess I’ll wait another month. Bleh. This stinks.
Seems that the speaker setup bug has been fixed tho so that’s a step in the right direction.
Ah nope. Still there. Cockpits sound a bit duller so that’s good, but the speaker setup bug still exists which causes Atmos to sound worse than 7.1 uncompressed. When I toggle any other speaker setup mode than home cinema. Save. Set it back to home cinema. Save. Atmos sounds just fine.
HAVE TO DO THIS EVERY TIME I CHANGE A CAR!! Annoying to say the least.
So. I figured out that in order for dolby atmos to sound right, you have to install/re-install the dolby access app on series X. It sounds drastically different/bad if you don’t do this. On my HT rig it would sound flat, really noisy and almost inverted.