I hope that we can change it. Because when we start with spring, we must wait nearly a month to get winter? This is ridoculous and it makes the game less accessable…
As someone who only has time to play games maybe once or twice a week, I am interested in how this will work offline. I’d be super annoyed if I log into FH4 ready for some nice summer street racing and instead get stuck with snowy downhill races because it happens to be Winter Week.
It’s even worse when you need to get somewhere that is accessible only in Winter: bodies of water like rivers and lakes will be frozen only one week out of a whole month. So if Spring just started I have to wait for 3 entire weeks. I really hope I can “cheat” my way through the seasons with blueprints, custom events or whatever, but I can’t help but feel that the more I think about it, the more terrible the idea seems, especially given the monumental effort in coming up with this season cycle. I also wonder if people who aren’t fans of snow, ice and offroading will stop playing altogether in those particular weeks. As the saying goes, you get four seasons in one day in Britain, not in one week.
Hopefully so, I liked being able to create my own or choose created races in FH3. If you have a similar way to choose the event, hopefully that includes the season. The whole dynamic thing would then just be when you’re driving and engaging in spur of the moment open world events.
As a forza fan for many years from the very first game of forza motorsport on the original Xbox I am astounded at what it’s become today. There is the aspect of the new seasons that have come into horizon 4 that has me curious why the week long season? From what I have gathered is that certain areas may be only accessible during a specific season. I love the idea of seasons and it will be an awesome way to play the game. My concern is that the seasons last too long. As someone who likes to go wherever I want on the horizon map without restriction I feel like in horizon 4 that will be the issue. I have read that islands surrounded by water won’t be accessible during 3 of the 4 seasons. Where there are issues with this is that we all know for a fact that those islands will have some sort of bonus board or barnfind like previous games. I would hope that isn’t the case with this season change system. If this is the case with this season change system then the time frame of the season change. Too me a week is too long. In my opinion all 4 seasons should be available everyday. With them changing 4 times a day it would make accessing islands or secret areas easier and save time. Changing the time frames in the days every week would in my mind let everyone able to play in different seasons more often. Even though I’m a little upset with how the seasons are at this moment I am still going to be adding the ultimate edition to my library of forza games. This is just a suggestion and is not an attack on the decisions that have been made at this point. I just hope that it could change later towards launch.
“The world is always changing. There’s lots of games where you go to this part of the map and it’s always summer, right? Then you go to the volcano area and it’s always lava. I mean, I worked on lots of Star Wars games, so I’m used to the snow planet, the lava planet, the jungle planet. The whole world transforms every week now. I mean, it’s gonna be amazing.”
Still would like to know if the transition to each season is gradual or an immediate switch.
so every week the map changes, it’s like getting 4 maps kinda, different things happening, plus the live events going on. Seems like they are really trying to make the map last longer. I wonder if you’ll have to discover the roads again for every season the first time? Like a new season brings a few new roads maybe? Would be a great thing to find new stuff as all the seasons go through their cycle.
The changing seasons is gradual (confirmed by an information video on youtube, out this night) and what I hope is that I can control the seasons/weather because if I cant, it’ll really turn me off…
It’s good to know we can also play it offline, but I’m still curious to know how the “dynamic seasons” thing would work while offline. Since each season opens previously unreachable locations, it would be a bummer to be restricted to one season while playing offline. Hopefully they’ll add an option to change seasons manually if playing offline and, if we go online, the game would switch back to the season of the week.
Could someone ask them about this on Twitter, please?
Yeah I would be astounded if the seasons aren’t able to be manually changed in offline mode.
I for one hate the snow in fh3 and there’s no way Playground would be stupid enough to think people don’t want to be able to choose the season themselves!
PG have hardly put a foot wrong in the horizon series, they’re not going to make such a rookie mistake!
And today’s stream confirmed what I feared ever since I saw the E3 presentation … Playground ARE this stupid.
It is basically only in blueprints you can select a season … rest of the time you are out of luck … If you prefer to drive hyper/supercars and seasons are attempting to be like real seasons in the UK… you can drive your cars 1, maybe 2 weeka out of 4 … …the other weeks, if you do not like the season , there is absolutely nothing you can do …except not play the game.
If you can bare play spring and autum, but prefer summer…there is still at least 1 week every 4 weeks you are ether forced to play winter where you like it or not… or simply not play at all…
It is a pretty high price to play for a game you only want play certain weeks because how idiotic the game has been created.
I just hope they wake up, realize this huge mistake and fix it …
Really hope we’ll be able to manually control the seasons, otherwise as has already been mentioned several times in this thread this could end up being a major annoyance in the game.
I do like the idea of changing seasons though, and look forwards to seeing it in action. Although having four seasons on one map does NOT make the map 4 times bigger as the devs were alluding to.
Physically 4 times bigger? No, I don’t think they meant that. But 3-4 different experiences, yes. Imagine crossing a flowing river in the spring, a bog in the summer, a dried bed as autumn rolls in or a bunch of snow drifts and ice in the winter – but all in the same geographical location. If they have the dynamics right for each, not only would this change your driving style, I could see it changing at least your tune and probably your vehicle. So in a sense, yes, you would be racing through 4 different environments throughout the month.
Then if the track builder is everything it’s claimed and expected to be… we’re in for a ride.
You have the ability to change the seasons via Horizon Blueprint with your own events. However, when you go back to the open-world, you’ll return to the current season in the dynamic season system.