We need rally Co-drivers!

Why is no one talking about this?
We need Co-drivers for rally races and cross country races. to make the on and offroad experience more fun, it would be awesome to have somebody in the passenger side or earpiece giving you directions on where the race is heading for every turn, bump, jump, follow-through, and brake.
it is a simple recording of someone saying left turn ahead, make left, sharp left, right turn ahead, make right, sharp right, u-turn ahead, make u-turn, jump ahead, through the tunnel, or whatever, just look at the game DiRT, something like that would be amazing!

PS. So what if FH is not a rally game, are thay going to do it in Motorsports that has no rally? No! If they put RALLY in a Sim like game then, it should be expected to have Co-drivers because it goes hand and hand. I’ve been waiting for this since Forza Horizon 2 because the first Forza Horizon had something like Co-divers but in story mode, just do this for all races!

Cos horizon isn’t a rally game

Totally with you on this, could be a great add-on for the game as an alternative to the racing/braking lines, or be a separate expansion with some rally stages.

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… not yet.

One rally expansion in 5 games.

Play dirt or wrc

Love them both, would like even more: Horizon Rally w. codrivers FTW!

they had this in fh1 rally dlc