I preordered the ultimate edition, I’m playing it and the VIP Pass isn’t showing up. I’ve installed it but I’m not getting any of the privileges!! Help!! Xbox gamer tag: xOzxne. Help please

Mine downloaded with rest of files, and been showing double payouts and specific cars. Press start on game tile and select “manage game” and see if the VIP download is there

Reinstall it… i had to and then restart the game… if anything still says preordered do that and it will fix it

Still not working. ?? Really confusing and frustrating!!

Did you do what has been suggested?

Yes I’ve done all suggested.
Make sure VIP was bought using the Gamertag I’m enquiring about
Reinstall it and restart the game
Reboot console

Reinstall it.

Are you on the original GT that bought it? I noticed last night that when I switched to my other GT, all of my VIP stuff was gone. BUT that is because it was bought on a different GT. Just a thought, though I doubt that is the case. That sucks.

Anyway of me showing picture proof?
Just for the people who do not believe I have the game. I’ve contacted Xbox Support and they’ve told me to create a thread and somebody from the forza team will soon be in contact?


Great help. Why are you a moderator?!

I believe Max’s grandfather works for T10… that’s how he got the “job”.