[VIDEO] Forza Drift Allstars 2014!

Combining our series last year with the intense Pro-AM season we are wrapping up in a few weeks, we’ve taken over 200 drivers and narrowed them down to the top 40, and starting this summer, we will pit them against each other to get our 2014 FD Allstars Champion.

Last year’s championship came down to Team Brostang, SCS Wanted in his Wrecked Magainze Ford Mustang 302 and DB Drifter Dave in his Nitto Tire Mustang GT, and they fought until the very end, where Dave came out on top. This year, they both return, along with the top 25 from last season, including names like FNK Hakosuka and DMA Hiro, the DB duo Stringer and BeeDee, the MCON team of Maverick and Panic, as well as a new slew of drivers at the top of their game, like Team Deviance’s Rauzey and Reddo.

A year and a half’s worth of hard work culminates in June, when the FD Allstars Pro Series makes its debut at Sunset Peninsula. Who will reign supreme?

If you want to get in on this year’s FD Allstars Pro Series, go to the link at the bottom of this post, and register for Pro-AM. We only have four (4) events left before the Pro Series, and Pro-AM drivers looking to break into the Pro Series can only do four events per season, so this is your last chance. The time to register is NOW!

If you drove with us last year, and you think you may be in the top 25 and eligible for your Pro License to drive in this season, check the list below. If your gamertag is on the list, and you want to drive in the big show, then go to our forum and get yourself registered. We do have a deadline on Pro Registration, and your license may be handed down to the next guy in line…

See you all on the track!

→ DB Drifter Dave----------[Registered]
→ SCS Wanted-------------[Registered]
→ DMA BostonTroy--------[Registered]
→ SO Spitsy
→ DB BeeDee---------------[Registered]
→ DMA Hiro----------------[Registered]
→ DwighttJ
→ DB Stringer---------------[Registered]
→ XE Baggins---------------[Redeemed]
→ DMA Tyreslayer----------[Registered]
→ ONI JJ Rau--------------- [Registered]
→ MrFerrari007
→ DW Flow
→ HKS Slider----------------[Registered]
→ TheRealBigpete----------[Registered]
→ MCM Tristan
→ SM3RK3000
→ FNK Hakosuka-----------[Registered]
→ SO Steve 24---------------[Redeemed]
→ ZxZsnipersZxZ------------[Registered]
→ Aerodynamiq
→ Hey Stack-----------------[Redeemed]
→ MCON Panic240sx--------[Registered]
→ KevDrift-------------------[Registered]
→ DMI Captsavehos---------[Registered]
→ MCON Maverick----------[Registered]
→ DVN Reddo---------------[Registered]
→ DVN Rauzey---------------[Registered]

Forum link: http://forums-driftallstars.freeforums.net/