I’ve had a bit of a nightmare with my Hard Drive failing on my previous PC.
Before I take the plunge on a new PC, can people confirm that I won’t lose all my Horizon 4 purchases and data if I install it on a new PC?
Is it linked to my XBOX live account?
Your save is linked to your sign in. You will not lose anything.
Perfect, thanks for confirming!
Can confirm, I play FH4 and FM7 on 2 different Xbox one consoles, a gaming laptop, and my gaming desktop; all the same account across all 3 devices. The game shares the save between them all. So long as you sign in with your microsoft account, you will be good.
Also, if its only your hard drive that has failed, you can just buy a new one and install it. They are easy to fit into most laptop and desktops, and if you are not confident on that front; there are still some computer shops that will fit them for you. And even install windows 10 for you. Assuming you linked windows 10 on your current system to your microsoft account, its just a matter of logging in and windows once you get it back home, and it will activiate on its own with no further input from you. This is because windows 10 (if linked to a microsoft account) will store a unique device id for that specific computer in the microsoft servers, and attach the windows 10 product key for that system to it. Makes reinstalling from scratch a breeze.
i have a qustion , is it same on steam? thanks
because my laptop having trouble and i need to reinstall windows but too scared if i will lost data…