Updated Wheel Settings on XBOX..when did this happen?

Just noticed they added wheel rotation and angle of attack type of settings and multipliers to FH5’s wheel advanced settings, when did this happen? Guessing the latter is for drifters who want to dial in how much their wheel turns relative to the nose of their car, or possibly for dirt/rally? Haven’t messed with it much yet.

Anyhow, a nice feature added…just heads-up in case you, like me, missed this.

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This was added for consoles in the March 28 (Series 19) content update:


So a game that’s 1.5 years old is finally getting a feature that the previous title (FH4) had and it has already been shown to have issues?

This issue was reported a month after release and basically ignored with all the other wheel and gameplay issues. It’s not surprising that it has been treated with the same level of quality as the rest of the game.

Glad to see it’s finally in the game, however broken it is.

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Very happy to see this has finally been addressed!

I have been using my wheel with optional settings to reduce my wheel rotation.

The thing I really noticed though, I have been driving with a broken wheel for so long, that when it was patched, and started working properly, my reflexes feel so much better because of all the lightening fast corrections I had to make to stay on the road.
It has actually honed my reflexes to be faster, and I feel I am a better wheel driver now.

Talk about a silver lining . . . but I believe it’s true.

I have a wheel but dont use due to the constant shaking i have happen when i start to play. TMX wheel 2 pedal no shifter.

I have updated the wheel itself from the TM site but that didnt change anything. If anybody has ever had this happen did this update fix it.

I would really like to bring my wheel back out and try drifting with it again my biggest flaw with the controller is i cant hold my drifts for vey long some cars are better than others.

(I would get the wheel out and check but i dont have it with me as i dont use it i put it in storage)

Suggestion: You’re on PC or XBOX? Try plugging the wheel into a USB 1.0 or USB 2.0 extension cord, you can still get them dirt cheap, I always had major issues on PC when I’d plug a usb wheel into a USB 3.0 port for example…using an old USB 1.0 (white) or 2.0 (black) extension cable just slowed everything down and for some reason on PC that always improved my wheel experience/connectivity…I used to use a TMX on Xbox and never had the shaking issue. I’m assuming it was limited to Horizon 5 and not any other driving game (?)

Yeah just fh5 other games its fine but thanks for the info ill have to look into getting one and giving it a try

Older thread, but whatever.

The prior question was never answered. This update was for console systems only. If you are on PC, nothing changed.
I have the same Set up you do.
T/M TMX - 2 pedal.
I use my wheel 100% of the time, except for CC - cuz that is just stupid to try -
IMO anyhow. I am at the point that I drive better with the wheel than a controller.
It’s just so much smoother once you get used to it. No more tap steer . what a relief.

I have my wheel rotation set at about 640 degrees. For me, it helps to control the rear end slide, and I can react much faster for correction. The TMX doesn’t allow you to turn the wheel fast enough to counter steer at higher rated rotation degrees.
If I yank on the wheel, it will go into an immediate vibration wobble, but it will only do it if I provoke it to do so. That issue is really not a problem anymore.

I have spent countless hours researching how to tune my wheel to perform perfectly in my hands.
If you see this, and want to know more on tuning the wheel, I will be happy to give you my set up.

I’ll give you one tidbit. The pedals on this system are hideous. You touch the pedal and immediately lock up … so bad.
Go to: Settings / Advanced Controls / find - Deceleration Axis deadzone inside, and set the range to 50.
Minor adjustment can be done to fit your driving style of course, but that is the base setting.
Wallah!- you now have a brake pedal that is a bit spongy that you can now use to master trail braking into the turns - no more lock up.
ABS or normal - either will work. I prefer normal braking though.

Question remains though: Console or PC?

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Im on a console xbox one s
I still havent gotten around to trying anything with it. I do want to but just being lazy and im not bad with the controller so i dont mind it would just be nice to get it to work properly.

When i do get around to using it ill reach out if i need some pointers on tuning