Unpopular Opinion: Forza Horizon should NOT have progression

“It isn’t grindy 1 bit”
Read my edit on the post, it appears I didn’t word the post well

Like I said, split the game in 2. Multiplayer and solo story. Both overlap but both sold separately. So many games do this like GTA5.

Dear god
What is this monster I’ve created
This post blew up and half of the comments are people who misunderstood my post completely
Let me clarify, AGAIN
FH doesnt have progression and I think it should stay that way
I’m tempted to delete this thread considering 75% of the people commenting took it the wrong way and completely misunderstood my post

Hmmm? Not everyone is responding directly to your OP. At least I’m not. Conversation evolved.

You wrote the OP really badly as most people complain that it is too grindy to do seasonal events every week. But anyway… progression is good in a game… we need more.

There is progression in FH5 when you first start you unlock the different festival sites by getting accolades and so on, for completing events and then you carry on unlocking accolades as well as levelling up and so on, without progression the game would be pointless.

I just don’t like the whole exclusive seasonal cars thing. If you miss them, they’re gone. Which sucks, sometimes life gets in the way and we end up missing a car we really like.

Agreed… leave the real progression and grinding to Motorsport, this game is about the cars mostly.

I’ve said it before, I can complete the seasonal quests in around 5 to 6 hours. I’m typically done with everything within the first 24hrs the season starts, and rarely take longer than 48 hrs. This season I was lazy - I got the 20pts on day 1, then didn’t complete the rest of the quests till Saturday. All total again, maybe 4 to 5 hours, even with the Online racing quests this season. right now all I have left to do is the daily that pops up and that is it.

Now I just paint, tune, and cruise the map with an eye for prepping for the next seasons quests.
Gotta win back that SVJ that I sold for 20m 2 seasons ago :slight_smile: Easy peasy!

I think in one of the early FH5 livestreams, Mike Brown said this:
“Forza Horizon is about fun, freedom, and beauty”
To me, that isn’t grinding for hours just to get that one car you want. Leave that to FM.

I started FH4 in year 3 of release. Within the single year I played it I was able to obtain every car in the game either via smart AH play, or just doing their quests. This is the way the game is designed. Even super rare cars here in FH5 are starting to come around as Forzathon Purchases, or quests.

Honda NSX-R GT, Lambo SVJ (next season) - they were super rare for all of maybe 4 months… and this will not be the only or last time you have to get them. They -WILL- be around again eventually.

Everything in this game is really designed to be minimal effort, hang around, and stuff comes to you. I think it’s funny that they use Pinata’s as props, because I often joke in cases such as this that “they give away cars like candy in this game”.

If you know how to min-max game play at all, at any level - this game becomes so easy.

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No disrespect to him, but I’ve never been fond of Mike Brown’s vision for Horizon. If I’m not mistaken, Ralph Fulton was the one in charge of Horizons 1 and 2, and I think he has a bigger grasp on making a good racing game than making a “let’s disparately appeal to everyone” game.

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I like to see my garden grow.

If you miss out on cars then you can often buy the car later on from the auction house. But I do agree with you that the 1 week reward windows they currently have severely penalize players for not playing the game that week. But this is their goal, they want you to log in each week. A happy balance imo is to change rewards from weekly to every 3 months. That is every 3 months there are a ton of rewards you can unlock at your own pace. You still need to put in the effort to unlock all but you can skip weeks or even months if needed and still obtain everything.

FH3 was by far the best in the series to me. Still brought back the good things of old Horizons but fun for more casual gamers as well

Bro, game literally throws money and cars at you all day. There is no progression. I’m having a hard time just to race with one car. I just want my BMW, and they force me to drive a lambo or some type of truck I don’t want. This game is idiotic.

It needs a simple design for ppl who come off work and just want to start the game and race. I can’t do that. I’m having a hard time finding a race :expressionless: This is so so fu&&&g stupid

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every game should have progression…
this isn’t Atari

I can load the game, and race any car I want, any time I want.

If I wanna race my Golf I load up open, pick custom racing and choose what type of racing and class I want. In less than 5 mins often I am racing. Same for any car from B class to S2.

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To be fair, if Horizon had a more traditional progression system, you’d still have your Golf pretty early on. Depending on which generation, it’d probably be your starter car.

I think what he means is that when you have everything at your feet from the get-go, it can be a bit overwhelming. That, and honestly, getting a race started after you’ve reached the endgame, oddly enough, is still quite the hassle since you have many menus and prompts you have to go through in order to start one.

It’d be way easier if you could just open the map, choose a race without having to fast travel, enter the car selection menu without the useless recommended tab getting in the way, and go from there. A race selection screen after completing a race would be handy too, especially after completing the first or second race in a championship.

In other words, I agree that is not as difficult to start a race quickly, but it could be more streamlined than it already is.