Unlocking design option

I have followed Forza pretty religiously since FM2 and I remember when you used to pay in game for vinyls and designs other players had made. An ok system that I didn’t mind. But I also recall there being a time when you could lock and unlock designs so other players could modify and personalize them if you didn’t mind someone using your work. I love making designs for my cars and when players had to pay for designs it made sense for lock options to exist but now that you don’t get credits from other players I don’t understand why I can’t unlock designs so other players can add their own logos and such. I made a design primed to be a Castrol branded racer but I have never been good enough with the design tools to recreate many logos that don’t look bootlegged. I want to let people add their own flare maybe they want a different sponsor set up, or change the layout a bit, maybe even add their own name and logo to the side but can’t. So maybe I’m just remembering something that wasn’t a thing but I don’t see why it couldn’t be an option when sharing your work. Maybe even have a pop up that reminds you that you’re sharing an unlocked design and run the risk of someone taking your work before submitting it. Idk just curious if I am the only that remembers this or feels that way.

TLDR: Why can’t I share a design that someone else could download and edit.

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Those days are long gone and I doubt very much will ever return. While I look back very fondly to the collabs that system allowed us to do, it wasn’t without it’s drawbacks and let’s be honest, it was the source of untold grief as well.

The only way I can think of getting near what you’re thinking of is for you to share a vinyl group of each surface of the specific car which someone could download and then add their own logos to. So for example if it’s a Race design you could leave the number board blank. For Fantasy designs you’d probably just need to share the main images and/or custom text, then let the end user do their thing.

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That’s not a bad idea. I hadn’t thought about going about it that way. Could do that then post the intended design somewhere. Good food for thought.