Allow Shared Vinyls in Other People's Shared Liveries

Allow players the ability to unlock shared vinyl groups. Make it togglable for those who do not want their work freely distributed and used in someone else’s work.

Allowing unlocked vinyl groups lowers the barrier of entry for players to create elaborate designs and promotes more creativity.



This is one of the major topics of forza customization since its inception.

for players who wish (and I’m sure many of them), leave the possibility of unlocking their creation.

This “blocking” process creates the same effect as a “license” and blocks the idea of ​​"open source"

the work of one creative on another creative to create the perfect art!

I love forza, since my childhood, but this idea of ​​"blocking" the creation of players is always a real problem which must disappear with the evolution.


For someone thats been around Forza since the 1st motorsport and have seen these forums transform many times, there was a time where everything was Unlocked. Before motorsport 4, gifting was a part of the game and nothing was locked.

The reason for locking was that some of the more influential creators back in the day felt that when they sold a car with their paint/tune on it, that it was still creatively theirs. This led to many painter claiming people were stealing their ideas and or liveries all together. You can thank the snobs who thought they were above sharing with the community. Also, as soon as they started being able to give credits per download it started the locking.


i think that is best that let us share using vinyl or desings from others if what we do are patterns.

example. i created a Simpsons cars using images from others with simpsons but there is no CAR with a total desing… that is different.

the reward can be shared with owners to… pls pls let us do that.


I’m just wondering, are all public designs locked? And if so, how do you unlock your own designs? I would like my designs to be free and able to be edited and changed, anywhere. Almost every design I download can’t be edited. It would be even better if you could save your designs to a file, maybe like .fhd or something so you can share it with your friends if you can’t access online for some reason or they want to edit it. I’m asking for a lot here, but it’s quite annoying, that if you add someone else’s vinyls, your design becomes locked.

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  1. Allow free/unlocked sharing. Idk how to explain this but like, I made different vinyl groups like logos/rust etc and I absolutely would not care if someone used them in their overall livery design and then shared that design. Being able to do that would be cool for racing liveries, it’s time consuming having to make every logo from scratch when there’s beautiful ones out there that I’m sure other artists would love people having use of… Hand in hand with this, the ability to change the color of someone’s vinyl group.
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As part of a solution to the “livery tool” problem, I think there’s an easy solution: give vinyl creators the option to allow their shared vinyls to be repurposed in other people’s shared liveries. That should be a quick button click when choosing to share a vinyl. For example: “Do you want to allow this vinyl to be used in other people’s shared liveries - yes/no?”

It would be great if people could use some of the logos I’ve made in liveries that they can also share. I’m not protective of the logos I’ve made and I’ve seen bunches of great liveries made by people who can’t share said liveries because they used someone else’s vinyls. I’ve also seen some great liveries out there with poorly-designed logos and, in my opinion, their liveries would look a lot better if they could use one of the more accurate logos that I created. Would be great to see this in future games.

Totally agree & voted. Those that don’t want their work to be used on another livery and shared don’t have to, so the option sounds a good one.

I don’t see why we can’t import logos like
Gran Turismo via a website. That way is XBox players don’t lose out.


First time to post here. I came all the way to the forums just to also voice out this concern. Making Liveries in Forza 5 is already hard for non-designers that want to personalize their cars. I hope Forza can improve the ff:

1.) Be able to IMPORT Logo / Design liveries on the web in .png or any format they wish → either a built in feature in game, or via XBOX app.
-One of the struggles why we can’t share designs is because of downloaded liveries that are LOCKED to the person who designed the brand / Livery.

2.) Have the option to ask for consent from designers who want to publicly or privately share their works. “Publicly” meaning they allow players to use and recycle that brand / livery for their car designs.

Upvoting this thread incase people of similar opinions agree with these ideas.


The minority mess it up for the majority and ego is the enemy…………

It would be nice if the Vinyl Editor gets improved accordingly.
Currently, it’s really difficult for inexperienced users to create their own or desired motifs as accurately as possible in the game.
It would be helpful if we could also use the editor via a free app or via the browser, so that users can then commission someone who has far more creative skills, without this person also having to own the game.
Or you can save the users the time and effort and let them import the desired motif as a PNG into the game. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t see what there is to be said against that.

Anyways, I would be pleased to see an answer from the developer/support in this regard.


It’s an excellent game which, as is often the case, is parasitized by crappy ideas.

Unlock the liveries and vinyls, so everyone can have fun!

i agree with this since we have event lab 2.0 you have a contribution list and you could share the cr you get for payout or pay for the vinyl to use it.

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I was so mad when I found out i could not share a design, all because im using someone elses cf print. Like, cmon we all wanna upload our creations.