Under moderation...still ?

Been playing since 23/9/16 and everytime i post something on forums i get the message about being under moderation,

i would like to reply to other players questions etc: but by the time my post goes through it’s irrelavant,
how long before i am free to post when i want to?

All new forum members are under moderation for their first few posts. Just keep following the rules when you post and you should be removed from the moderation list fairly quickly.

So, how can one be productive if the post appears hours after all other posts and been ripped out of the timeline? Also you have to fullquote every post you answering to…

Sometimes posts are unlocked in seconds, sometimes it takes hours.
Much new ppl here since Horizon 3 Release (myself too) - much work for the Moderator :smiley:

I can understand the need for this under moderation thingie, but at the same time it is annoying and dicourages new ppl to post., If I reply to a thread someone else can reply writing pretty much the same thing I wrote before a mod approves my post. And that makes me look stiupid for writing the same thing as the poster above did.

Ok guys, can you please give us a slightly hint on how long does it takes? Maybe?

There’s no specific time or number of posts. The Mods monitor your posts and it depends on what on how you post. Best you can do is be patient. If you become aggressive, it will just take longer.


Ok, thanks for the info about time and numbers! :slight_smile: