Ugrundy Tunes

Yes - I also got taken off topic for a bit though the points were relevant - just for another topic I guess.
Have a look at the suggestions

maybe even make a vote on it if you like.

Had to delete one of the links on the suggestions page as it was somehow flagged as off topic - even though it was the actual topic and the only post with 1 view - by the autobot !!!
They gave the usual option to edit it after 10 mins but didn’t allow that to happen either.
Nice to see the system is working as intended. No views, no flags from any other player but the autobot kicks in for no reason.
As you can probably tell - bit peeved by this.


the original response - 1 view , 1 user - the autobot.

Relevance of the current discussion to the topic:

The relevance is that what we tune, be Ugrundy, or Muller, or skeeter the super tuner, doesn’t get sorted to show the top tunes as it should and we’re left to “best guess” the tunes. Until we find a tuner we each like and start using.

So the developers built the game the way they wanted and they are happy. It got over a million players so marketing is happy. So from their standpoint, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

And that is how all this is related.


Discussions evolve, other stuff hets mentioned. Wear looser trousers. Someone said no suggestions ever make it. I gave examples that did. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Is there anything actually left to discuss about these particular tunes?

Hmm I get the line if thought.

However the original question that started this topic was, freely quoted, Is Ugrundy intending to make tunes that are:
A. Fit for Purpose or
B. The best for that car ?

Me assuming answer A.

Any reference to any other tuner or bug in the game as such is not related to answering that question and can just as well be considered off-topic. My opinion is that strictly speaking they are.
Again I consider myself guilty as well.

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The topic is: “Ugrundy isn’t that great comparatively as a tuner”
Thus - people make comparisons to other tuners, and or, explain how buggy broken systems
lead to poor promotion of content. All these are factors for how and why content is aggregated and do indeed fit the topic in a “discussion forum”.


Not really, that is what the topic grew into. It is not the original question that started it. I do understand that it is how it’s interpretated, but not what I meant with my remark that led to @AAORTA starting this topic.
That’s not a bad thing in itself that’s how discussions grow. I was mearly pointing out how easily a topic shifts and that there are multiple ways to interpret that shift as being on or off topic.
Please continue the discussion and don’t bother too much about my remarks.

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In keeping on the subject of tunes, most of my favorite tunes have always been Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, The Eagles, and of course the great one, Johnny Cash.



That’s a great list of tuners !



Thanks. The original post was in fact actually to ugrundy to see how he considered his own tunes.
The thread then went off in various tangents at times but a lot of good info and communication came out of that, so all in all I think it’s been useful. Hope the community spirit keeps up and we can all gain even more insight to tuning issues.

Nice post. Good to see a sense of humor enter the thread as well.
Hope you mean the early Fleetwood Mac stuff though. Floyd, Awesome, Eagles, OK for a quiet night in but I tend to lean towards heavier stuff these days. Early ACDC, Early Iron Maiden and of course Metallica. Biggest Zep fan there can probably be though.

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It is a game after all. Gotta have fun…

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Pity we haven’t heard from ugrundy yet on this.
Would really like to know what he reckons to it all.

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Why do you think we would? I’ve never seen them on here nor any of the other well known tuners.

Despite being the forum of the official site of the series our community is extremely small for how many people have played/still do play the game.

If it can’t even get a decent number of average Joe players like us then expecting well known ones is optimistic to say the least.

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It’s a valid point - just a pity they don’t want to give their feedback on it.

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Sorry for not delivering the clips and insights on gearing.
Had to take a business trip regarding this new monkeypox issue that arises here in Germany and Europe.
I see Bedlam took my part - competently as expected.


Nice to see they’ve got your back whilst you’ve got the others…

I’ve been using several ugrundy tunes recently and they’ve all been excellent. One of the PR Stunts this week is Arid Hills Speed Trap S1 900 BMW M5 '18 200 mph which I’ve been struggling to complete with the tune recommended by the tuner I follow but switched over to ugrundy’s tune and did it first time.

With the 2 Championships this week I was again struggling with the tunes recommended by the tuner I follow but switched over to ugrundy’s tunes and did them first time.

The only problem I have with ugrundy is I’ve not yet found which vehicle he recommends for an event in the Playlist. For example the Modern Classics Street Racing A800 Germany Modern Sports Cars Championship. The tuner I’ve followed for the last two years recommended a tune for the 2008 BMW Z4 M Coupe but I noticed that ugrundy’s tune for this vehicle looked better and in reality was far superior. However the description for ugrundy’s tune didn’t match up with the title of the Championship so it may have been designed for a different event. Ugrundy doesn’t seem to have a YouTube account and I don’t know of an easy way of finding out what vehicle he recommends for the Championship.

Anyway with thanks to ugrundy it looks like I’ll be achieving 100% this week.



When did I ask you to revive this thread?

Ugrundy doesn’t drive the car for you.