I’m finally getting my tx 458 Italia wheel settings dialed in and getting somewhere near my controller lap times but I’m still having one issue…
On very slight turns like on Sebring for example since it has so many let’s say curved straightaways haha. with the wheel so minimally turned and the lack of center feel of the wheel it seems as though the wheel doesn’t know whether to engage the ffb or not and it ends up sort of bobbling back and fourth and if you aren’t careful you may end up loosing control.
Does anyone have either a wheel setting it even a tuning tip to help get rid of this? It’s extremely annoying and Obvioisly not realistic at all
I don’t know if you’ve looked at this thread yet but I know it’s been discussed there because I brought it up right after I bought the game and the TX wheel. I don’t know if there is a way to search for my posts to make it easier.
I run 270 and had something similar, usually when the front suspension was heavily loaded at speed. I got rid of it by stiffening the front arbs and working on car balance from memory. It felt a little like the loaded wheels were buckling and correcting. There are a few oddities in the way front end loading is translated to feedback effects, but stabilising the front end seems to more or less gets rid of them. Hope this helps.
thanks mick i’ll give that a try… how can you run 270 DOR? its like a 30-45* turn of the wheel gets you around the tightest of hairpins, feels really awkward to me.
mine is in rwd only and generally happens full throttle while slightly turning. for example entering the esses or exiting new maison blance at le mans
basically anywhere between about 4-5* steering input while full throttle. its like the wheel doesn’t know weather or not to engage ffb or not. sensitivity setting is on 1 but 2 doesn’t help either and 3 just ruins the steering feel
Running normal steering at 270 with low FFB and no sensitivity adjustment seems to give me the most coherent feedback and direct control. Using 270 at higher force settings is very stiff and really accentuates the tuggy feeling. I found a sweet spot for force around 30, which is functionally equivalent to a quite high level of force at a higher DOR. There is too much slack around centre at higher settings, and with any DOR selection outside the wheel defaults the linearity seems compromised in the game. Feedback effects are obviously focused on the front wheels of the car, although I guess they have made some attempt to mimic rear wheel activity and balance shifts, which is where some of the anomalies may arise. Fluctuating strength of lateral resistance may reflect a range of things including fore-aft weight shift, tyre distress, and, obviously, lateral Gs. Unless your wheel is hypersensitive around centre for some reason (shouldn’t be the case technically), and if it isn’t a result of poorly expressed effects (which can be tuned out 9 times out of 10), it may be that your wheel is not mating 100% with the console and game.
Some tips if you don’t already know them: connect the wheel USB to the rear port on the console; never use the wheel to start up the console; power up the wheel once the dashboard has loaded (the wheel should self calibrate and remain uncentred); press any button on the wheel once the dashboard is up and the wheel should centre; once the game has loaded set the DOR as the first thing you do and avoid changing it while playing as this can give mixed results; when finished playing, always quite the game completely by exiting to dashboard and using the pop-up menu to quit the game.
I’ve always used the wheel to power up the console and it does just what you said, calibrates and remains off center until the game loads then it centers up. What’s different about doing it that way as opposed to powering up the console first? I’ll start doing the console first and then the wheel if it’s making a difference in how the wheel performs.
Make the rollbars stiff and the front rollbars stiffer than the rear. This reduces the dead zone of the wheel. If this isn´t helping enough, stiffer the springs too. Since i have the TX, i don´t like to high negative camber, which is definitely bad for this straight curves. I changed the tuning-settings of all cars i´m driving with the wheel, but they are more near default than before.
For the damper-settings i like the values of the App “Forzatune”, but really just for dampers and springs. Alignment i don´t change the default or just a little and the rollbars are mostly okay on default either.
I like the ffb of the wheel and using it with full 100% strength. Did you change your controller-settings already? The values for the steering-tolerance should be around 0/100.
Yes I have removed the dead zones. And I would hope it is not the tune considering the car feels fine making a 1+g turn but like its chassis is made of tissue papers in a 0.2g “turn” but alas this is forza, anything is possible