Two Player Split Screen (Local Multiplayer)

Does this have local multiplayer or two player split screen like forza motorsport 6?

While I really hope that they will include the feature I doubt that they will because no Horizon game has ever had it, but there’s a first time for everything!

I don’t see any news stating that there is split screen feature. And yes I’m aware that no Horizon game has had it. I wish we’ll know soon. I’m hoping it has because it will be fun to play local multiplayer with my brother.

My brother and I like to play split screen together and the last horizon game you could not do split screen.

No, open world games are nearly impossible to do split-screen with because the game would have a render a portion of the map twice. This is significantly less demanding for the Motorsport games because the tracks themselves don’t have nearly as many objects and space to render.


oh hi there

So basically you’re saying the “state of the art” machine can’t do the simplest things? Then they don’t need to make a horizon 3…

The simplest of things? If it’s so simple grab yourself a paintbrush in one hand, a paint tin in the other and start painting a wall. You can imagine it if you like. Now, at exactly the same time, grab another paintbrush and tin and start painting a completely different wall - whilst still painting the first and without stopping work on either. The simplest thing, right?
They are saying that the “state of the art” machine can’t render exactly the same game twice. It is designed to look as good as it does because it’s using all the resources available and it is a very resource heavy game. Motorsport is a limited area with only two directions. To do two players on the same machine in an open world racing game they would effectively have to reduce the quality and complexity down so low it wouldn’t be worth it.


This is certainly what they have said in the past. Though the only hope might be that an XO Scorpio machine, with the extra grunt, it might be possible. If not then will have to review after subsequent hardware updates.

Since the first two horizons didnt have split screen, will the third finally include it?

ido not think so

Forza Horizon 3 will not have split screen local multiplayer.


turn 10 confirmed split screen multiplayer for up to 4 players locally

Please provide a link.

4 player online co-op campaign= yes

12 player online MP = yes

local splitscreen = no

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Just another reason to get a second Xbox…

wrxsavory it is a 4 player coop (online coop) not splitscreen.

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Not to mention the xbox is great but it is by no means a state of the art machine. It is an affordable system that can play a various array of games. the amount of ressources that FH3 consumes on pc will be phenomenal if played on 4k now imagine on an xbox console upscaling. They have to limit it at 30 fps because of the gpu and perhaps cpu limitations of the xbox now add that to rendering everything twice. Not to mention it is a pretty costly for development to have a split screen mode and the demand for it just isn’t there. Sure some may love it but we live in a day and age where people party up and chat via xbox party or third party systems in the case of pc players. Very few people still have huge gatherings and take turns split screening. I have grown up with that kind of mentality but i do understand leaving it out.

A PC could handle split screen and it’d be super fun. Seen quite a few people asking if they can play with their siblings, answer is no obviously. Unless said sibling who may be 14 can afford another USD $80 to buy their own copy, and then provided said family has 2 devices that can play FH3, provided said family has the internet requirements (no local MP). Now siblings can play with each other. cough STEAM cough
Sad reality is devs push the console so hard it can’t deal with split screen (one of the greatest past times and always will be, a racing game without split screen?? It’s like a racing game without wheel support, many shots fired) whereas a PC could deal with it but the devs can’t be bothered making another version for a PC so we just get a minimal effort port.

It’s nothing to do with minimal effort at all. Have you seen how much this game has the render? It’s an open world game; it isn’t just focused on a closed circut. IT’S AN OPEN WORLD GAME.

It is very possible to play local multi-player on a closed circuit type game (e.g. Forza Motorsport 6, Gran Turismo, Mario kart, etc.) because the car can only stay within the limits of the track. Closed circuit tracks have BARRIERS.

Forza Horizon 3 is AN OPEN WORLD GAME. Meaning it has to render 100x, if not any more, than a close circuit track. There is no possible way to play local multiplayer in FH3 in this current generation.

I simply do not understand why this concept is so hard to grasp. Look at a FM6’s close circuit track’s map. Then look at FH3’s map.


(please excuse my exaggeration. What may look like anger is just actually frustration.)

This shouldn’t be a hard concept to grasp.
It isn’t rocket science.
It’s just closed circuit (FM6) vs open world (FH3).

Can I request to one of the moderators to lock this thread please?