turn 10 are lazy

how come turn 10 cant be bothered to add the same things on xbox one on to xbox 360. i pre-ordered the game for 360 and theres no 2015 mustang or ‘dramatic weathering’ that they were on about. if theyre so excited to reveal something why not reveal it to 360 aswell?

the 360 is simply not powerful enough to support all the data coming through from xbox one. the xbox one is a much more powerful computer if you will. thats why its called a next generation console. sounds like you need an upgrade there, buddy. don’t be mad at T10. you would be more than pleased if you had it on the xbox one version. And if you can’t afford it then be happy they came out with horizon 2 for 360 at all. it was meant for the xbox one anyway.


the 360 is old school now, maybe time to upgrade ?

Search mate.