Hey y’all
I’ve noticed now that with 3 separate tunes I’ve downloaded for 3 different cars, the tyres vanish off the wheels.
Has anyone else found this? Forza are you aware of it and if so will there be a patch?
never happened to me. could it be your vram filling up?
My vram filling up? What the hell is that and how do I empty it? Cheers
happend to me aswell its so annoying
It’s happened to me as well. And I have 6 GB of vram. It’s also happened on the Xbox One as well for me.
Happened to me last night, Xbox.
It even glitched the thumbnail. I had to change the tune and livery to get it back to normal.
Still drove just fine and left rubber on the pavement.
Reset your game the tyres will be back
I’ll have to try this next time I’m on, I usually just do my own builds so I can adjust everything on the fly depending on what I’m doing.
Happens every time i load a tune when out on the road i.e. not in garage/festival. No thumbnail or tyres.
The thumbnail issue was present in horizon 2 and easily restored by altering any visual effect, colour or vinyl, anything to make the game ‘save’.
Time consuming and some what annoying.
Tyres: In FH2 it felt like the cars were actually on the road which is one of the reasons i loved the game.
When I first played FH3 I thought the cars felt a little unattached from the road like they were on a different layer, kinda green screen effect.
I put this down to being a different game and obviously some driving physics would be different. Get used to it and get on with it. Then the missing tyres came along , funny at first but convinced me the cars are ‘floating’ objects which in turn has partly ruined the game. I don’t dislike the game and I have always known the cars are floating 3D objects.
It’s the illusion, A bit like once you know how a ‘magic’ trick is performed it looses it’s magic…
I play on Xbox1 btw.
I knew we were riding on the rims or bald tires with the kind of traction we get. Proofs in the pic up there now.
This only happens if you load a Setup from the pause menu while in a driving environment.
It also only happens if your new Setup uses a different tyre compound to your existing Setup.
It will not happen if you load a Setup from inside a Festival Hub.
If you change to a different car, either from the pause menu or a Festival Hub, the tyres will return.
This right here. Perfect. If you don’t want to see this glitch, the easiest thing to remember is to load a tune only when in a Festival Hub.
This problem existed in Horizon 2 - not the tires, the thumbnail either being blank or showing the default paint job. It happened when you saved your tune while anywhere other than a festival hub and would go away when you painted your car or loaded a design. There are other annoyances that have cut-and-pasted their way from Horizon 2 to 3:
The game crashes after a few hours (for me, it seems to crash most often when saving a design in the paint booth which really sucks if you spent a lot of time on the design).
When resuming a session through the “instant on” feature of the xbox, the game will switch the clutch and e-brake button even though the settings say otherwise. I have to change to manual without clutch and then back to manual with clutch to fix it.
I was really bummed out when I encountered these glitches in the newer game. I thought that with how popular Horizon 2 was and how much money they must have made, the 3rd game would have a top notch development team that would iron out all these annoying problems before launch. It seems like 95% of this game was made using a Forza template but they didn’t bother fixing anything that is broken in the template. Seems lazy…
So, I guess the missing tires glitch will probably be ignored by turn 10 and end up happening in every future Forza game. Yay!!!