Motion Sim: DD Fanatec wheel, etc., 49" UW, 14700KF, 4090 Nvidia, unlocked fps ~140 @ultra, Win11, NO RAY-TRACING.
Couch setup: Wired controller, 4k OLED, 13600KF, 4080 Nvida, 120 vsync @high, Win11, NO RAY-TRACING.
I still get the disappearing track after a handful of races. Have to leave the game completely, reboot the system and then it’s good for a few more.
It has not improved at all for me, still happens after about 3 or 4 races like it did on release. Wondering if anybody else is having better luck. Every major update they’ve had in the notes that they improved that problem. If they’ve improved it three times, it should be noticeable. I don’t know that they’ve done anything or if they have it’s not affecting either of my systems.
Only thing that was fixed for me after latest update: no more black track and I run un a 7900XTX who is a lot more problematic compared to your 4090. Try disabling SAM and HAGS if you can (been a while since I run an nVidia GPU) since it’s look like causing a lot of problem for many users.
3090 here.I had it happen at release,but the combination of texture filtering lod bias/set to allow,HAGS/off and Rebar/Off(can be toggled on/off with NvInspector)fixed me up and I have not had it happen since.Since HAGS amounts to 5% at most in SOME games I dont care if it’s always off,Rebar can be left on for any game that benefits with NvInspector,and lod bias/allow is a driver level setting for FM8.So give it a whirl m8,let us know how you make out…
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Thanks for the input. Ridiculous that we have to jump through hoops to get a top tier (well not anymore) AAA game to actually run properly.
NOOOOO… much better, because since the update the game CTD after the little splashscreen … Ridiculus Work from T10.
After endless Days with loosing Textures i have a Game what i cant Play
So has there been any answer or possible solution/workaround to this issue?
It’s now Februari 11, 2024 and I still have this issue.
The 2 main tracks that I have this issue with the most are Silverstone and Yas Marina (and on rare occasions, also on Spa Francorchamps). Also, short races it seems to be fine, it’s only when it’s long races (GT or TCC spec long races for example) where things start to go wrong, badly.
This problem has been bothering me since launch to an otherwise relatively ‘ok’ experience for me in all other departments.
Lenovo Legion 5i Pro
RTX 3070Ti
Installed on internal (main) SSD.
What more information does Turn 10 need pinpoint this issue? I can not finish most medium length anymore on some tracks.
What I tried:
- reïnstalled the game completely with the 2 latest patches.
- Installed latest (GPU) drivers.
- made sure no extra programs are running in the background.
What dependencies did Turn10 program the track textures (and objects) to as to why this happens?
Did you even read my post??? It literally has the workarounds all listed in plain english.
“lod bias/set to allow”
Yeah, that doesnt explain anything. Where are these settings? How can I turn them on/off? Are they ingame or somewhere else?
I appreciate the ‘possible fixes’ and that it helped you, but I cant work it out with that little information. I’m sorry.
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So I might have figured out what you meant:
LOD bias: No idea still but I’m guessing its the Texture Filter LOD within Nvidia Control Panel (Nvidia Control Panel → 3D Settings → Program settings tab → Forza Motorsport → Texture Filtering LOD bias Allow (or whatever it is in your language)) - This was set to “allow” by default on my system.
Hardware Accelerated GPU Scaling: Settings → Monitor → Graphics → “change Default settings” (or whatever it says in your language) → GPU Hardware Acceleration Planning OFF. (You need to restart the PC) - I’ve done a few races AND IT ACTUALLY HELPED, 2 hours of continous play and not a single track has disappeared yet! WOW. It also reduced some texture stuttering.
Rebar: Most PCs you need to do this via BIOS. However, since I’m on a laptop, I am unable to do so. Or I dont know how. So I didnt touch this.
But the HAGS OFF setting actually helped out. By a lot. Dang. Why hasnt Turn 10 done any mentioning of this?! So many people still have this issue…
Cause they don’t want to admit how poorly FM8 is optimized for the PC
LOD bias set to allow is the default. Mine was already set to that.
Hardware Accelerated GPU Scaling turned off. I turned it off and rebooted. I still had the textures unloading.
Ah thats a shame.
It seemed to have solved it for me for now. I had a Forza GT (medium length) race on Silverstone that I could finish for the first time in months. Normally after the pit stop and the last 3 laps the tracks (and all objects beside it) started to unload, become invisible, etc.
I also didnt need to quit the game, reload the game, to keep my FPS up. After like an hour or 2 of play, the FPS, without reason, seemed to drop from 80-90 to 50 and it just got to stutter like crazy.
Turn10 should prioritize this issue asap. For a game with this amount of funding, the issues are inexcusable.
after the February update we are still here talking about the disappearing track.
In the last 3 races I’ve done it’s happened twice.
It is not possible for users to find solutions to bugs, the game is not a beta, so please work seriously on the problems on PC.
Thank you
(If you also want the clip I’ll give you the link but I’m not here to advertise myself.)
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First of all there is no need to turn off resizable bar, because by default it’s not activated by the Nvidia drivers. Just set your GPU to maximum performance instead of balanced (energy settings i think), highest quality texture filtering quality i don’t mean anistropic filtering , activate clamp instead of “allow”. Activate v-sync and g-sync well if you have g-sync. And limit the game to fixed FPS so 60 or 75 or 100, 120, 144 whatever your CPU can do without causing stuttering in the NCP. Make sure to DISABLE v-sync ingame just set it to unlocked FPS ingame and activate anistropic filtering 16x ingame.
And you have to make sure that the newer Intel CPU’s don’t use their slower e-cores, the game is only allowed to use p-cores. Use process lasso, task manager or however you do it. AMD ppl don’t have to care about this at all, because there are no p and e cores, there are only normal cores.

It should be like this then:
Power management mode: Prefer maximum performance
Shader Cache Size: 10 GB
Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias: Clamp
Texture filtering - Quality: Highest quality
V-Sync: On
Don’t use ANY power saving modes under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, NEVER USE IT NEVER. Also make sure that windows uses the highest performance mode in the energy options, if that isn’t already the case.
Limiting the game to 75 FPS helps making the game somewhat smooth with my R9 5950x. But every CPU is different, so you have to figure out how much FPS is the minimum and set it to that value, this way so pretty much all stuttering is gone. The ingame benchmark can help with that.
I use these settings:
Current Dynamic Render Quality: Custom
Dynamic optimization: Custom
Fullscreen: On
Show framerate: On
AMD FSR 2.0: Off
Performance target: Unlocked
Resolution scale: 100%
Anistropic filtering: 16x
Raytracing quality: Off
RTAO quality: Low
Shadow quality: High
Cubemap reflection quality: Low
Car model quality: High
Car livery quality: High
Windshield reflection quality: High
Mirror quality: Medium
Track texture quality: High
Particle effects quality: Medium
Motion blur quality: Off
Lens flare quality: Off
R9 5950x, RTX 3080, 32 GB RAM, Gen4 NVMe. Playing the game in 2160p.
Thanks for your support, I’ll try your settings
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HAG is OFF. Still track disappearing.
Unfortunately this is NOT the solution. Maybe it helps sometimes but it’s not really connected to changing the settings mentioned. So HAGS on/off and so on changes nothing in this case.
I re-installed FM today (next update is coming) and have the track even disappearing in the benchmark. Re-running the benchmark a few times directly from the benchmark screen show’s that sometime the textures are all visible or sometimes missing on different parts of the track.
I think it’s an issue with the texture streaming implementation on the PC that only occurs with newer graphics cards.
I never had the problem with my older 2080Ti but with the newer 4080 it’s very often the case. Also in the Steam Forum mostly people with newer graphics cards are reporting this problem.
I tested today if there is something changed with the missing textures. I used the current version 1.553.0255.0 and I think I understand the problem now (maybe).
At the start of FM I got a warning that I do not meet the needed specs for the game because I installed it this time on my HDD WD Black. While running the benchmark I looked at the performance graph of the HDD and there I could see that they don’t load a track for racing they are completely streaming a lot of data from the storage device to the graphics card.
This means you must have a NVMe SSD to play FM fluid without problems. I don’t think anymore it has in the first place to do with graphics cards or drivers.

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SSD is a requirement, but a SATA SSD should be enough it doesn’t have to be a NVMe.
It’s funny cause I had it installed at launch on a Western Digital 2TB WD Blue 3D NAND Internal PC SSD - SATA III 6 Gb/s, M.2 2280, Up to 560 MB/s and had no issues with the track disappearing and a zero stutter count in the benchmark.
When I revisited the game at the launch of the Nord I installed it on the system drive which is a Samsung 970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 SSD 1TB (3,500/3,300 MB/s) and had issues with the track not loading in the intro vid for the Nord and a stutter count of 250 which I have bought down to under 100
So faster doesn’t always mean better