Are there any plans to increase the number tunes we can have. Right its the biggest problem for me in F5. I t drives me nuts only have 300 file.
Its making it hard to run in diffrent class or try diffrent tunes.
You guys do know that the size of the save for a game on the Xbox One is restricted in size right? And that the Forza saves are huge as it is - FM5 is slightly larger than FH2 for me and it is 40 times the size of the next biggest save I have a game installed for at the moment (Killer Instinct which is only 3 MB) and most saves are under 1 MB. Given the saves are limited in maximum size T10 have to make sure that if someone maxes everything out (cars, tunes, paints, etc) that it will fit within that limit.
Would be nice of they could shrink the size but Forza saves have always been on the large side of things.
Wow really shrink it what is wrong with you ,I hit the tune cap in the first month of forza 5 and fh2 .there should be no cap ,my question is why was Forza 4 so good and why in many aspects did we go backwards on these games ,on the so called upgrade of the new console .
He meant shrink how much space the files take up so we can have more.
I’ve been looking into this with T10, we will have more but how many more is still unknown. They have worked on making the files smaller and have succeeded, I’m not sure how much smaller but we will have a little bit more space at least.
If this is true… If the limits - vinyls, designs, tunes, replays ( TEN ??? ), cars in garage, etc, etc, etc… - are due to Xbox One game-save file-size restrictions?
Gotta be one of the silliest and most short-sighted game design decisions ever made.
funky a tune is very small. its all letters and numbers. a tune is probably less than 1 kb. it should easily fit. look at tunes posted on here, people post tunes with the car name, the parts added, and setting in a single post that uses about as many characters as your post does complaining about tune sizes. it makes no sense to try to sell dlc if they are not even going to give you the ability to use it without deleting something you already paid for and have. dan has to start thinking about the customers again and not just how much money he can squeeze out of people for half a game so he can sell them the other half later. fm5 looks better than fm1 and 2 but fm1 and 2 were much better games even with zero dlc. 10 years of “progress” is a lesser game for over twice the price? only to the seller not the buyer. the save is 40 megs? make a new tune. see how much bigger your save file gets. file size is not the reason for 300 tune saves. the tune is probably less than half a % of the cars file, probably less than 1 kb. 300 tunes would be less than 300kb and a 40 meg file means you cant have more? 300 tune saves is probably smaller than a single paint save, far smaller than a single dlc car. how many cars are in fm6? how many in fm5? and you think all those extra cars fit in the 1 meg that would save over 1000 tunes? then its not save size. it cant be. if it were save size they couldn’t have released any dlc for fm5 or released fm6. it has to be a choice to limit the players. maybe they’ll sell dlc tune slots later.
There’s a limit? Of 300? On Forza 4 I must have a good 3000 at the very least! This would be a deal breaker if the limit is not massively relaxed. It would make it almost impossible to partake in multiple race leagues or to help team mates, or even for a community here on the Tuning Marketplace. It has to change.
As long as they don’t make it a mandatory auto-save like they did the paints, you can get away with more. All you have to do is be stingy with your saves and max out your garage with cars you use and delete any you don’t basically. I’ve got 300 saves and about…500 unsaved? Along with lots of deleted.
In all honesty though, it really shouldn’t be like this but it’s not an option otherwise when using cloud saves. I’m hoping at least 1200 saves for tunes, if not higher.
I get ya, I guess I should instead build an excel document, just in case! We’ve both spent a lot of time on the TM posting open source and releases and all sorts, so it wouldn’t be that tedious. However balancing that with running a team which I guess you’ve experienced too, having to run loads of cars, for loads of leagues and championships, you fill up on tunes very fast. That’s how I had thousands on FM4 and I’m still adding to them.
1200 would be enough, manageable. Might even get away with 1000. Anything less would be cutting it really fine. I never got into painting either but the paints and vinyl groups sound like a potential minefield. However here’s to hoping they’ve opened it up a bit.
40 megs for a save file? Haha, you’re funny rdo3. My Forza Horizon 2 save file is right over a 100 megs at this point…
A larger amount of tuning or painting space would be nice. Part of the issues with Forza Horizon 2 is that the limit is for both tunes & paints combined AND whenever you save a non-manufacturer paint it forces a new save file. Either you are stuck using manufacturer only paints or limiting the amount of tunes you have. The other issue is that unlike past titles where you could share a file in your storefront and then delete it you cannot do this in FM5 and FH2. If you have a file and you delete it it is automatically unshared. Bummer.
I think that if the game releases (#s are made up and not official figures, made it easy for the math so chill) with 400 cars on launch and the devs are planning to release 100 cars as DLC over the life of all DLC, then the absolute minimum for tunes should be 500 and the absolute minimum for paints should be 500. That should be enough to own one of every car in the game and have a paint job and a tuning setup saved. Of course you can always save one setup and have a different one loaded but this would allow players the bare minimum of one per vehicle. Doubling this would be even better if possible.
I hope more light is shed on this before launch as this is the make or break for me. If the limits are such that I’d really struggle to do half of what I did on FM4 for instance, then I might have an issue with the limit.
ppi i am not the one that made the 40 meg cap limit claim. i was just saying that tune files are the smallest files, that they are the least of the problems when it comes to file size.
You are actually - my statement was that FM5 was 40 TIMES the size of my next biggest save - which is about 3 MB for Killer Instinct, so 120 MB or thereabouts. For reference FH2 is slightly smaller than FM5 somehow, but not enough to matter.
As far as the size of the tune files - it is irrelevant when they have to ALLOW FOR EVERYTHING, which is why there is a limit on tunes, paints, numbers of cars and replays - the file has a maximum size and T10 had to make sure that you couldn’t have so many tunes that your save wouldn’t even update when you played. Is it ideal? Nope. Is it a fact of life with games that have so much content to save to your save (like Forza) and when a provider (MS in this case) has to manage something like cloud storage - unfortunately it is. Hopefully Raceboy77s work with T10 has been able to get some improvement in how efficient the saves are far as the space they take up.