TOTAL Forza Failure....anyone else having this issue? Who do ask for technical help?

First, I have FM 5, FH2 plus Storm Island & Fast and Furious EXP packs, the Forza Hub…and basically all the available DLC. Just wanted to get that out there.

The problem…finally, my long awaited and beloved Porsche Expansion Pack came out for FH2. I purchased the item (got charged, too)
and was told FH2 needed to update. Logical. It updated fine. I went to play FH2 and it simply “hangs” just after the login screen.

I tried looking at the Forza Hub but that returned the error, “Forza Hub temporarily unavailable, try later.” Okay.

So then I tried to play FM5. I have the actual Day One game disc in my Xbox One, not just a digital copy but the actual
disc. And…just after the login process starts, FM5 “hangs” just like FH2.

This was…2 days ago. I mean, it is an ongoing problem for me. I figured at first there might be some issues so I did not
sweat it but this is Thursday, June 11, at noon CDT, USA.

This is one freaking long time for an issue to go unresolved that affects ALL the Forza products for the Xbox One.

Please tell me it is something global and NOT just me and my profile and console. Anyone else having these issues?
Is there a discussion place for them or a topic that at least provides an update on what is wrong and a time table to
fix it?

On the off chance something was actually wrong with my console, I have tried playing every other game I own that
is NOT a Forza product and they work fine so I am assuming this is a…virtual Forza pandemic. So…ideas? Help?



Have you tried a hard reset? This usually fixes most issues and is a good start in diagnosing your problems


I have not. I assume you mean just unplugging the thing from the wall for 2 minutes then plugging it back in? Or is there a different sort
of hard reset I do not know about? This is the first issue I have had with and Xbox One and ANY product so I am light on knowledge of
technical issues.

Edit: already answered, disregard this post

No, not just unplugging.

1 - From the Dashboard with no game running, press the X button on the front of the console until the system shuts itself down.
2 - Unplug the external power pack from the wall or at least the wall-side connector on the pack itself.
3 - Make sure all the power drains from the power pack (if the white is gone, but still “orange” you haven’t unplugged the power.
4 - Get a cool drink or some coffee.
5 - Reconnect the power source to the external power pack.
6 - Let the external pack show that “orange” light.
7 - Start the console as you normally do.
8 - Let the green screen go through the process, followed by the white Xbox symbols.
9 - Sign into Xbox Live, then check your games section to make sure nothing is actively downloading.

IF ANYTHING IS DOWNLOADING LET IT FULLY COMPLETE BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO PLAY ANYTHING. And that includes anything which says “Ready to play . . .” Don’t attempt to play until update activity has ended.

Now try to launch one of the games.


Thank you, that did it! I was pretty confused since every other game outside of the Forza Universe worked.
It apparently needed a 14mb update to the Forza Hub that was not downloading and installing and that
was what held everything up. Thanks for taking the time to answer, this was driving me up the wall.

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Ty Snow Owel u just helped me with an issue I’ve had off and on.


Glad it worked out. Sometimes that happens, if we happen to jump in and start playing before the update or DLC content is finished. Even though it may say “Ready to play” we should wait for the completion.


I’m having the same problem. Game locks up on initial loading screen. There are plenty other times it just crashes, and tonight, it locked up twice when I tried to load it. I, too, noticed this started when the Porsche pack came out.

Also, just to add, I have tried doing a total reset with no success.

I went to the Xbox website & did online chat with advisor. They were pretty helpful & got my F2 working again…