To be able to decrease wheel size

(I have put these togeather because they sort of go with each other). I think It would be good and add to the game if we where able to decrease the size of wheels on car in Forza Horizon 5 as well as increase them. For example give a car which has 16in wheels stock we could put 15in or 14in wheels, this added with the change in side wall size on tyres whould make car lower if we has smaller wheels with a small side wall or be able to have a larger side wall for drag build or offroad builds.

One of my biggest gripes is having oversized tires on cars like the Datsun 510. The factory tire size has a huge sidewall, and popular styling for this car dictates small wheels and small tires. Having more freedom with the tire size customization would have a much better impact on the overall stance of a lot of the cars in this game. Here’s an example of a nicely done Datsun 510.


At the moment you can only make your car’s rims larger than the stock size. I’d like the option to do it the other way around aswell - especially for some newer car models, that have enormous rims.

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It would be really great to give the player the ability to select the size of the tyre eg. If someone wants a smaller diameter tyre than what would be otherwise found on the car from factory.
Also the ability to stretch the tyre that would also be a great addition to the game.

These additions would be greatly appreciated by the stance community in FH5(and future Horizon games).

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In forza you’re stuck upsizing wheels from the default oem wheel size that came on your car. By exqmple the mazdaspeed nbmiata came with 17 inches rims and you can’t downsize them… Most people will aggree with me that 17s on an nb miata is not the best. I end up playing the na miata just because of that.

I’m sure many poeple would like this feature and many cheaper games also do it…


I would like to see this but also see it go a bit farther. You should be able to increase/decrease rim size but also brake disc size. If you increase rim size then you can add a big brake kit. If you decrease rim size then your brakes would have to be smaller to accomodate the smaller rims.


finally they will made it in the rally expansion

I agree. At present, the braking performance remains the same even if the rims are made larger, so there is not much performance merit in making the rims larger. If the braking force can be increased by increasing the brake size, that would be an advantage. If the braking performance increases in conjunction with the increase in the rim size, that would be enough for me.

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