NO way to change rim size?

Sooo is this just completely removed from the game? Or am I missing something, somewhere?


Which car are you looking at?

As in previous Forza games, you need to install aftermarket rims before changing sizes. That’s unlocked at car level 2 I believe

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Nope. There is no InGame Option to change the Rim Size. Also you can´t see which Size is Stock or the Size of the Tires

This is incorrect. Level up one of your starter cars, go into the Upgrade & Tune, Performance, Wheels, and install any of the wheels. Once you do, you will see added options for Front Rim Size and Rear Rim Size above the Wheels A / B-G etc list. Selecting either one will show what the stock rim size is. Tire size is shown in the Tires tab.


Having this option hidden with stock rims might be confusing. Is it possible to always show the option, but grey it out while stock rims are fitted?

It’s not obvious, that’s true. If you’d like to see a change in the layout of the menu or helper text on that screen please create a topic in the Menus & Interface section of the Suggestions Hub (and remember to upvote your own topic) so we can include it in our team SHUB reviews.

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Consider it done :sunglasses:

It is a shame that the option to increase the rim size of factory wheels is gone. Sometimes the original wheels are awesome, but just one or two inches too small.
I know it’s possible to change the rim size of stock rims in FH5, sad that it’s gone.


Uh changing a stock rim size by definition means it’s no longer stock :grinning:


That is true, but what about factory option larger rims? Those can come ‘stock’.

Agreed, though they probably will have a different design pattern as well.

Sad that they didnt include track width tuning from Horizon…other than that…so far im okayish about motorsport.

Sorry I am just getting back here to respond. I have since learned indeed that you need to equip a rim to see the option to change its size. But my new question has formulated, why do so many cars not have the option to change the size at all? Or I’s my install bugged somehow. Like the 2018 Civic Type R was the car I was using when I first made this post. It seems odd to me that you cant change the size of the rims on a tuner car like that.

By Forza’s standard, changing rim size means making it bigger than stock (excluding the SUVs and offroaders in FH5 where you have the option to make them smaller). If there’s no option to change the rim size, that means it cannot get bigger. Looking at the 2018 Civic, the tire already is as thin as can be.

Yeah but a lot of the aftermarket rims in the game look AWFUL at the size of the Civic default rim size. So I wish you could make them smaller is what I am getting at.

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We track requests in the fm-Car-Upgrades section of the Suggestions Hub. Be sure you’ve either upvoted an existing topic or create your own there.


I’ve been waiting a really long time for 18inch rims on type r fk8. Can they please let us downsize the rims for the fk8. A lot of 20 inch looks unappealing.

Yeah I say you put this in the feature requests. Smaller wheels with larger sidewall tires are something you might do for more reasons than just aesthetics… assuming they have modeled sidewall flex

Some cars do not have the option at all, and some cars have the option at the bottom not at top.