Those tire walls completely obscure the view of the track ahead when racing in-car.
I don’t like cutting either, but using Lego bricks to block every possible cutting point is a) the stupidest, laziest possible solution to cutting, and b) something T10 have demonstrated they are incapable of doing effectively anyway.
Well I care how unrealistic looking it makes some of the tracks. T10 could have choosen to implement something realistic like flags, instead of just cutting corners (badumtish).
It’s easier to do tires instead of flags. I’ve seen enough online racing to know someone will figure out a workaround.
Flags would be the best out of all options but it is what it is. I’m thinking the tire walls are probably the best option to ensure all tracks are esport ready without having to spend a ton of time trying to figure out clean/dirty lap exploits and exploitable corner cuts.
Maybe after game launch we can request tire walls to come down that interfere with racing such as the last corner of Road Atlanta.
Oh come on… everyone LOVES those tire walls! Just coming around the last turn at Road Atlanta you set up the third place car perfectly only to have that second place car run off hit the tirewall spin into your path leaving you no place to go. EVERYONE loves that!
If I remember correctly, this is what they did in Forza 3 (or 4?). I know when I hit the grass or sand I would almost stop dead. That’s really all they have to do to avoid people cutting corners. It worked on me. lol
Can’t say I’m overly surprised that the easy route’s been taken to try and deter corner cutters.
These affect regular players more than the corner cutters I’d say.
Not only do they obscure view of the track, if someone gets wiped out off the track through someone lagging into them, or just straight up ramming. They’re pretty much screwed out of being able to win the race if they hit a tire wall from that.
That said, if the walls were to go, I would miss that hilariously distinctive THUDDUNK sounds that signifies the death of an opponent who got it all wrong.
Guy in the red car tried to dive bomb me (the silver Lancer) and slammed the tire wall. Hilarious tire launch followed by the Beemer and the car behind him getting totalled by the red car as he came sailing back to Earth.
Unfortunately, on narrow circuits like Rio or Lime Rock, that sound also means that a stationary car has bounced onto the racing line. If you’re lucky you can react to it in time to not get collected.
This is one of the solutions they have come up with for corner-cutting. It is the “easiest” to implement and the easiest for inexperienced racers to understand (“there’s a wall there, have to go round it”). Let’s see what they’ve done regarding clean/dirty laps as they have alluded to making improvements in that area.
A bigger concern for me is people crashing into each other in Public Hoppers, but that’s not a discussion for this thread.
If you’re talking Rio, I do enjoy their implementation with soft tyres on the late straight, where you can happily dislodge them for fun without crashing. That and -that- turn on Bathurst can end up as rather nice pictures of carnage. Don’t worry, I’ve only ever done online with friends :).
Walls are preferable to sticky slowdown grass, but couldn’t they just do the professional thing and not allow corner cutting in multiplayer? Doesn’t the likes of GT do that? Project CARS just disqualifies you after a few errors. Maybe those titles actually help one get better; I’m still unimproved after 3 years of Forza lol.