Tiny Cars hiding in Tag

It seems that there are some gaps that are small enough for only a couple different cars to get into and they are being exploited in the Tag versions that are now available in Forza 5. There are also ways to ‘leave the map’ and go driving beyond barriers in various versions of the map.

I’m sure this falls under the area of ‘Cheating’ and should be a bannable offense.


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I don’t agree it should be bannable, turn 10 will undoubtebly patch it soon

I am not saying whether is should or shouldn’t but the xbox live code of conduct includes that players should not deliberately take advantage of game glitches.

Cheating, in a way, yes. It’s using an exploit that shouldn’t exist. Will T10 fix it? Who knows. Add it to the bug report thread and email them. I forget the address though forzafb@ somethingsomething

If a small car fits through a gap a larger car can’t, is that really a glitch?

If you see people exploiting glitches, such as driving outside the barrier, take a photo with your phone (make sure the gamertag is visible), upload it to a hosting site (Flickr, TinyPic or similar) and send the link to Snowowl in a Private message here on the forums. He’ll take it from there.

Do what I do, knock 'em outta there. I always use either the two-eleven or the '71 skyline for tag and both will fit where those losers and their minis will. Every time I see one hiding, I’ll plow them outta there whether I’m it or not.

Edit: Oh and I forgot to mention voting to kick them once back in the lobby. Usually if you’re in a good lobby, it’s not to hard to get enough people to vote them out.