Thrustmaster tx help me please

I have Thrustmaster tx and t3pa pedals. I am getting so frustrated playing Forza 5 and horizon 2 that I’m starting to really regret shelling out for this wheel. I’ve read all posts I can see, messed around with rotation settings and sensitivity settings, sim steering and normal steering and I just can’t find that sweet spot.

If the back end starts to step out there is nothing I can do about it. I can’t spin the wheel quick enough to catch it. But if I lower the DOR it seems way too sensitive and I end up tank slapping and eventually crashing

I’m currently trying
900 DOR
Sensitivity 2
Sim steering
No deadzones
50 FFB
50 vibration

Any help would be greatly appreciated before I stop playing both games or smash the wheel to bits :rage:

I will be moving this thread to the hardware section found here where you should find all the help you need

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Don’t use sim steering try 330 to 420 DOR and remember you will never be able to react as quick as with a stick so you will have to not drive as aggressive.I am still a second or so slower with the wheel myself.

Thanks I’ve lowered it to 360 DOR and normal steering and it’s much more fun and forgiving. Guess I was just kidding myself about the sim steering.

Yeah not sure about horizon but Sim steering in fm5 is brutal and it doesn’t make you any faster… Just turn it off