Thrustmaster TX + Backwards Compatibility?

Are we going to be able to use any of the current XB1 wheels with the previous Forza titles that are going to be backwards compatible or are we going to be limited to controller only?

I have been trying to get a definitive answer to this since the initial announcement of backwards compatibility. Any info would be greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:

As far as I am aware the backwards compatibility layer if I heard correctly will only ever support standard microsoft xbox one controllers as supplied with an xbox one, third party controllers licensed or otherwise by the sounds of will never be supported by the backwards compatibility layer.

Yep very stupid as there seems to be considerable issues for the likes of Fanatec, Thrustmaster and Logitech etc to continue to or to introduce support on new product lines for the xbox360 and no one else ever wanted to support the 360 other than fanatec due to microsofts seemingly ridiculous third party peripheral program.

I can confirm that my Thurstmaster TX does NOT work with the free games with gold Dirt 3 on my Xbox One

wow… thats an epic ms fail. I am glad they did the backwards compatability thing for non racing titles, but its pathetic how little support their is for a wheel. MS really needs to do a real partnership with one of these wheel companies and make them a first party wheel and actually support them and think about this stuff.

I ran Forza Horizon on Xbox One for the first time and was pleasantly surprised to find that my Thrustmaster TX steering wheel does work with Forza Horizon. It’s not a great feel, but it works. I am trying to dial it in via the in game advanced settings. Has there been any official word or FAQ on how to get the Thrustmaster TX working the best on 360 games for Xbox One?