Throttle off oversteer?

I mostly run C class, but I have been messing around in the high classes.
I first tried a bunch of popular A class tunes for the Ktm. All had a horrible oversteer entering the corner. I try to tune one myself, and was able to tune some of it out. But over all it was terrible everywhere else.
I kinda gave up and try some higher class and found many popular tunes feel the same way.
Is this on purpose?
Is it because it a rear engine car?
Is it faster have the setup this way?
should I adjust my driving style or try to tune it out.

The first place to look is the differential ,you want to lower the decelleration figure,i usually end up with about 10 or 12 decel, 40 or 50 accell on rwd.If that does’nt work use worms guide to deal with variouus types of oversteer .esp. The bumps and dampers section.

I was under the impression that a lower decel meant more off throttle oversteer.

For the most part a lower decel will cause more oversteer

Well i think ktm is more prone to this problem with weight being in the back. I was able to tune most of it out. I was just wondering why some of top tuner’s tune have so much car throttlelift oversteer in these upper levels cars.

Not according to the description on the tuning page but there known to be wrong .

Lower decel creates oversteer on lift.

Xbow is a weird car. It needs a lot of work to make it feel right and when you get it feeling great it’s slow. Part of your problem could be shifting down too much as the Xbow has the 1.6 and it’s generally better to keep that motor 1 gear higher than you would think. It also doesn’t need full front aero and in some cases no front aero upgrade at all.

Very weird car…also needs a high decel.

Thanks thats good to know.

If tuning the differential isn’t enough, you should also try adjusting the ride height. Increasing the front ride height (or decreasing the rear) will reduce drop-throttle tuck-in and post apex oversteer.

I like KTM because it oversteers at corner entry. One can steer into the corner really early and line up the car toward the exit as the car brush against the apex. It is a fantastic feeling.

KTM and Ferrari 312T2 drive and handle similarly. I don’t know if this is the fastest way to drive these cars but some online racing using these cars certainly confirms that it is very competitive.

These cars should be driven with added aggression. Exit oversteer also exists which can be controlled with throttle. Fantastic stuff!

Well I was doing community challange, and found I was having the same problem. I changing my dead zone help some and normal steering which help finesse my steering input. But slowing down more before corner entry, help the most. Im just way to use to late braking.