Lift off Oversteer

I’ve been having a similar issue with most of my RWD cars. On corner entry in turns that require little or no breaking i get massive oversteer. The back end drifts out with minimal break/throttle/steering input. For example using the Honda NSX at Spa, near the end of the lap there are the 2 fast left handers that cause the car to break away way too easily. Other than this issue I feel i have things well sorted out. Straight line breaking and corner exit/acceleration give me no problems.
I realize tuning is a science and one thing effects everything else. But does anyone have any suggestions where to start?

Raise the decel

Or if you have really high deceleration already lower it.

Too low decel doesn’t act swiftly enough and lets the car rotate too fast, which leads to other rear tire lose all grip, and as only one gripping tire cant hold the rear end in line it will loose grip also, resulting in slide.
Too high decel acts too quickly, and locks the rear axle too swiftly, forcing the rear tires in too close rotation speed, which leads to situation where the tire on inside of the curve rotating too fast compared to distance it has to travel, which leads to same situation as too low decel. especially when you suddenly release throttle or brake. Although too high decel usually causes understeer.

in other words play with the decel setting to find a sweet spot.

Other thing that might help is softening rear antirollbar, but this might impare to the handling elsewhere, specially if softening it would lead to bottoming out.

Also, as it wasnt mentioned. Te NSX and other mid rear engine cars are going to tend to react that way due to the balance of the vehicle. This should be less noticeable in a front engine vehicle.

You could also try along with everything mentioned so far is add a little rear negative toe in.

Agree with Deranged - Try taking negative toe to -0.3 or even -0.4

Could be worth checking your rebound and bump. I had something similar with my Ferrari and finally found the issue was tied to my rebound being way too stiff. Its an option to explore.

I have found that with braking as long as you are braking in pretty much a straight line, this isn’t too much of an issue - but I’m definitely going to try the advice so far re this. I’m having a problem though with fast corners where I have to lift off the throttle causing oversteer that sometimes I can’t catch and the end result is an amateurish crash on an otherwise quick lap. If I’m quick enough to add a quick little counter steer I can catch it, but the forces often seem to take over too quickly for me. I’m still learning to be decent with a wheel set up, and I have learnt that smoothness is key, but, what technique can I use to nullify the effect a little (driving or tuning)? Thanks.