This insane rubberbanding is ridiculous !

The presence of rubberbanding takes away the pleasure to play offline for me, it was so obvious in the Horizon final race it was laughable, I lost all desire to continue playing offline, it’s totally pointless, I find it odd that so few complain about this nonsense.

Sorry for my bad English.

There is no rubberbanding in this or any Forza game, period.

I might not know what rubberbanding is, but I put up a video clip of what my game does on The Upload app.

It will be the first one you see from Horizon 2.

Let me know if it’s rubberbanding or not.

Gamertag HotTubMan

Xbox One

Never played the first Horizon have you? That even had rubber banding online or catch up as they liked to call it. As a side note if you run with sim damage your car eats its self during cross country races and depending on your build the engine will wear out during the long final races.

More than you.


Then you should be aware that it was heavy on rubber banding, :slight_smile:

Sorry but that’s simply not true, horizon 1 was terrible for rubber banding the final race he could wipe out completely and be back on your bumper in a very short time, forza 4 also had its fair share.

I’ve not noticed it in Horizon 2 other than the show case events and then it’s clearly obvious.

But to say no forza game ever has had rubber banding is just silly.

All racing games use this method to some degree only some are more obvious than others.

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That is completely untrue. I did some testing during the height of my Forza addiction in FM2 and FM3 and the AI would make more or less mistakes depending on how well I was doing. I tested identical races (IE: do a race, restart it without changing anything) with high lap counts and sandbagged in one and raced my ass off in the next each time, and the average AI laptime changed drastically depending on whether I was racing hard or going slow. Supposedly the physics never change for the AI cars, however they make more or less mistakes to keep you in the running but not miles ahead. I don’t know if that holds true for the FH series, though.

Remember that FM4 added in dynamic difficulty or whatever it was called.

The difficulty ramped up or down depending on how well you had been doing the last few races.

Now we have drivatars but we don’t know if the dynamic difficulty is in the loop or not.

The OP made a comment along the lines of why are more people not complaining about it. Given how vocal people tend to be I think the answer is most people are not noticing it or are viewing it for the positive affects it has ie close racing, you need to keep alert to make sure you earn your wins.

In my finale race the field was nowhere to be seen when I crossed the line. I would suggest maybe a 20 second winning margin.

There is definitely rubberbanding in the races against the trains and planes etc (in your favour) but I have not seen it in the other few hundred races I have done.

Yeah it’s as if whatever you race against lets you win if your slightly behind.

Honestly you might just not ba good driver because I play on unbeatable with all assists off and never see rubberbanding.

Answer A:

You set Drivatar difficulty to easy

Answer B:

Weird coincidence, no rubberbanding. Does not happen unless you screw with the AI difficulty.

The only time I see anything resembling rubberbanding, I’m way out front and then I make a newb mistake.

There’s no debating this issue. It’s not a matter of belief or opinion. It’s simply an observable fact that the AI drivers (I’m not even going to call them Drivatars here) utilize insane rubberbanding on point-to-point races; some more obvious than others with “cross country” being particularly obvious and the finale beats you in the face with it.

By the way I play on Pro with all assists off and cockpit mode.


Sorry but there is debating to be had. I do not have drivatars on my rear bumper enough to suggest rubberbanding is there in point to point races. If I do I know it is due to a bad run, my car is not up to scratch or I got a bad start or something but I have seen no evidence of rubberbanding except in the showcase events where it is rigged for you to win.

In championship races the drivatars are usually way behind me if I have had a good run and closer to me if my run has not been that good.

I can not redo the finale again but my wins in that were by a long way. When I do another race with no drivatar in sight I will record the video.

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Drive a D or C class car in the final, and you will notice it without a doubt.

I would if the game let me but it won’t as I am past season 2.

I will try those classes in my next few championships and keep an eye out for it on the point to points.

But in those classes it is harder to make a break for it and build a lead anyway.

Actually I can remember doing a championship in my Renault Clio Williams in C class and after a bad start to the races I did win by quite a margin but I will run that car again just to do a test.


Arguments do not work that way, especially when the majority of people here are saying how they have not noticed it. So it is definitely not extreme.

And by the way, I entered a race with a lower class car the other day just to see if you were on to something, but the Drivatars made roughly the same times as before. If anything, I noticed that the Performance rating on their vehicles seemed to be lower about 10 or 20 points, but being that it is apparently randomized I wouldn’t make anything of it.

It would be awesome if all of the gamers claiming “rubber banding” would provide evidence of their experiences via a replay utilizing the rearward facing view; otherwise, I have to assume the claimants are merely not going as fast or driving as well as they think they are.