Rubber AI

Hello everyone,
A very, very short question:
Did devs at any point stated, that they are dropping that “wonderful” aspect of later Forza series?


Does anyone know whether it has been confirmed that FH4 will/won’t include rubber banding? I absolutely ruined The Crew 2 for me, and would be a real shame if it was added to FH4

I think their was rubberbanding in the midnight boss battles of FH3 and obviously the showcase events but I don’t think there’s any rubber banding in a typical campaign race.

The only other option would be to have New Racer AI drive around at an unrealistic 5 MPH

Honestly never noticed rubberbanding in Forza. Obviously the AI follow their own physics but it’s never felt like it’s changing relative to my race position.

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Never noticed any in FH3, doubt I will in FH4. The closest thing to it I saw was a glitch in the Goliath race, particularly when doing multiple laps - the whole pack of AI that I was about a half lap ahead of teleported to the finish line just before I got there, but they didn’t gain position when doing so so it wasn’t rubberbanding.

I can’t see the overall fundamentals of the Drivatars changing (their own physics, cheating, etc.). Trying to rework it all seems like it would be a major undertaking.

I don’t know about you guys but I noticed some very obvious rubber banding when running the Goliath race on Horizon 3. Whenever I was ahead the computer drivers would catch right up. I could see them on the mini map navigating 90 degree corners without slowing down.


Nah. If I ever had an issue with the computer catching up an alteration to my vehicle’s upgrade setup took care of it.