Yes, I know FM4 is the GOAT and can’t be beaten. I’ve been playing it alongside FM2023 recently and am very impressed with how well it’s aged. Car sounds are unmatched (perhaps only bested by FH2 from what I understand?), the physics and controls definitely feel more sim-like than 2023, and (most importantly) I can drive a Prius with body modifications.
But coming back to it, I feel like FM4 had issues that 2023 doesn’t. The AI difficulty feels like it spiked suddenly once I entered the Sportsman’s Cup (I think that’s what it’s called). I saw a car drive onto the grass only to suddenly boost out of there and back on the road like it was on tarmac the entire time. It also feels like if I don’t drive super aggressive (a.k.a. be an absolute shameful rammer) from the start of some races the AI will suddenly get ridiculously far ahead with no chance of catching up to them. Whereas in 2023, I feel like AI in the higher difficulties are fast but not unbeatable if I use the right clean racing strategies.
Also I feel like FM2023 has better sound design (not the car sounds themselves, but how everything sounds like together in a given environment) than FM4.
What do you guys think? Does 2023 do anything better than 4? Or is 4 simply flawless from what I hear many others say?
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FM 2023 in my opinion only wins on the things a game with 12 years advantage is bound to, and even then it isn’t all of them.
Only true black marks I hold against FM4 are the proper Rally di Positano was removed (it’s just FM3’s Amalfi Coast using it’s name), no endurance races in career despite it’s vast size + depth, and the WC requiring the race to be done twice in a single event for completion, other than that I would really struggle.
Structure, progression, design, music, presentation and content wise 2023 isn’t fit to share the same series as FM4.
Interesting. I suppose I enjoy FM4 and FM2023 in very different ways.
4 feels more like I’m at an open track day ready to push myself to my limits and beyond (thankfully without the nausea and motion sickness), while 2023 is something I can play and unwind with after a hard day of work, like an open road Sunday drive.
And 2023’s menu music…what it entirely lacks in in-game racing jams, I love how soothing and calming it is.
Just more of my thoughts. 
From reading the forums (and playing, briefly), FM2023 is definitely better at loosing players
The cars in FM4 felt weightless to me. It often seemed to me like the biggest change in FM4 over 3 was that cars could roll and they really wanted you to know it.
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You really feel the differences between stock parts and upgraded parts. FM4 the cars got faster and turned better, but often didn’t feel better. FM '23 the characteristics of cars will drastically change with upgrades.
But, there is a catch to this. The 2005 BMW M3 is a prime example of what that caveat is.
The “feeling” of the car is different for various reasons, but I think the main one is controller. Feedback you get from x360 controller compared to Xbox One or Series S/X ones is from a different dimension. Travel distance of triggers is another thing which is different besides FFB.
There’s no denying that with every new FM title there has been step forward with physics and graphics. Everything else is case by case basis (sometimes there has been progression or evolution, sometimes things have regressed or stagnated).
I much prefer the overall vibe I get from FM3 and FM4. The complete package is far superior compared to FM 2023 (or FM7).
Think´s that FM2023 makes better then the GOAT

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Wide body kits, AFK races, more detune options
They did say wide body and not wide track width 
FM4 didn’t have any, but you could make the argument that it’s better to have nothing in that case. Especially as we the late 90’s Supra have that duo spoiler issue just like the M3 E46 has in Horizon 5
Even NFS carbon does a better job at putting wheels correctly with larger kits LOL